
I'm in love--- Please help?

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I have a fiance we've been together for many years, but I think i'm in love with someone else. In fact, I don't even think I love my bf at all, it is more of a conventional kind of union. This other person though really has my heart. We've know each other and have been friends forever,but somehow out of nowhere, abruptly my romantic love for this person has surfaced. How do I know if my feelings are real? what should I do about my situation?




  1. You are getting blind for love since this is the languages section.

  2. well

    first u dont tneed to rush

    like dont feel like u need to break up with ur boyfriend right away cuz ur in love wit someone else and u dont love him anymore

    u can find out if ur feelings r real by

    if ur always thinkin of this othe rperson than ur boyfriend

    and if ur wit ur boyfriend and ur repeatingly thinkin of dat other person

    dats how u know ur feelings r real

    but if those feelings r real dont rush things at all

    first thiing u will  need to do though is tell him we should slow down a little bit on us getting married

    dont have him thinking ur in love wit him and the wedding is liek really on still

  3. leave your fiancee

    it might be hard, but just imagine who knows how many years from now being with someone you dont love and thinking of what could've been if you had done the right thing before

  4. you should really just go on a friend date with him, see what he does and how it goes, if he is someone you havek known longer then you should know who you want, if you feel second thoughts on getting married then you should tell your bf i need some more time, go out and talk to the other guy, and still talk to your bf, do some dates, talk more, see which one shows more compasion, the one that wants you the most will show you it, you really just need to think of   all the things you like about each guy, then think of all the things you dont like about them, see which ones will hurt you in the long run, please message me about this, i would be glad to help you out some more!!!!!

  5. No your not its a illusion you are just scared to be alone. Get strong.

  6. avoid it

  7. sometmes when you have been friends with someone a long time ,feelings can be surpressed,because you get so used to them being around and a routine can develop.

    its only when something changes ,when one of you gets a partner or if someone moves,some sort of crunch situation,or if they are moving especially,that you find out your true feelings!

    i would say your feelings are real,because there has been a change in circumstances(you having a bf) you have realised what you have felt for your friend all along and it has just come to the surface,because you have a comparison.

    i would dwefinetly end it with your current bf at the moment,whatever happens with your long term friend,as it isnt fair to him ,that you may be in love with someone else.which it sounds like you definetly have the symptoms of love!

    it doesnt sound like its goingf anywhere with your current bf,it sounds like its just convienience and habit.tell him the truth ,tell him you think you have feelings for someone else and you have the right to explore them and to be happy,but dont mess your current bf around,not that you would,but he will be hurt ,obviously ,so be senstive.

    give him the option of being friends if he can handle it and stick to it,if he wants to be friends.

    you need to find out if you are not into this relationship because of your feelings for your long term friend or if you just will never love thsi current would you feel about your current bf,if your long term friend wasnt on the scene?woulsd you feel the same?if the answers yes,then he probably isnt the right one for you.

    how would you feel if your long term friend got a gf?would it kill you?if the answers yes,then you probably are in love with him.

    sort things out and end it amicably with your current bf,if you are sure you love the other guy,then go and tell him how you feel and i bet he feels the same!

  8. If you continue with your fiance, imagine how it will end up in the long run. You're hurting him already, by saying things like "This other person though really has my heart."

    If you love this other guy, you want to be with him, and you don't love your fiance, then you need to let go before it's too late.

  9. Well if you dont love your fiance then you better break up with him before you get married and start having kids,because then it will be too late to leave him.

    Good luck.

    Dont lead people on.

  10. i think you should leave your fiance. cuz you dont love him at all. tell this person you love him.

  11. Well looks like cupid paid you a visit! Well if ya wanna tell if you "love" her think about it.....does seeing her make you smile and feel very happy, how about if you think of her before yourself and check if you are in love with her or her body because if its just a physical love its not worth it...

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