
I'm not full vegetarian but..

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I don't like to eat red meat, just chicken.

is there a term for that?




  1. A non red meat eater.  

  2. You're a pollo-vegetarian.

  3. I don't think there is a term for that

    you are either

    Lacto-ovo vegetarianism- eat everything except fish, meat and poultry

    Lacto vegetarianism- eat everything except fish, meat, poultry and eggs

    Ovo vegetarianism- eat everything except fish, meat, poultry, dairy

    Vegan- eat everything except fish, meat, poultry, eggs and dairy

    The main idea of a vegetarian is not eating meat in general.

    Maybe they will invent a word for non red meat eaters because they call vegetarians who eat fish pescatarian but some people believe that eating fish shouldn't be consider a type of vegetarianism.

  4. yes a Chickatarian, I'm a Fishatarian

  5. No, lots of people dont eat red meat.

    vegetarians don't eat ANY meat...and yes, that includes chicken.

  6. You're a more health-conscious eater, or maybe you don't eat mammals? There's no subcategory in the vegetarian world for that, since vegetarianism begins with eating no animal flesh at all (that includes animals like fish and all types of reptiles, birds, and other sea life - not just land mammals). You might want to check a section other than Vegetarian and Vegan, then.

  7. A chicken eater, just like a fish eater is a fish eater. Vegetarians don't eat animal flesh of any sort so the notion of pescetarians or something like that doesn't exist. You are a chicken eater. I highly suggest if you are looking to become a vegetarian or even if not you should try Quorn chick'n it is quite delicious and realistic.  

  8. No, no term, although some people have wrongly tried to bastardize vegetarian by calling themseves "pollotarian", or other such nonsensical words. If people do that, I think it's disrepectful: would somebody try to claim they were half Hindu, or half Christian?

    Yep, you're a standard meat eater: no more, no less.

  9. no your just an omnivore/meat eater... please don't call yourself any form of vegetarian.  vegetarians eat NO meat... you can't be a partial of that if you eat meat.... good for you on reducing your meat consumption, but your not a veg.

  10. I totally understand where you're coming from!  I grew up my whole life thinking overall I was mostly a vegetarian that ate chicken and turkey, then I started thinking more and more about it, and you don't eat the other meat because it's an animal and a chicken is too! which means your not 'mostly' a vegetarian. just a meat eater (not saying thats a bad thing!!)

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