
I'm not that "mature" ?

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i have this friend and shes like a year younger than me but shes always coming to my house, and i dont like that cuz im a perosn who just wants to be alone sometimes, and whenever she comes, she acts sorta mature for her age. she wears makeup and she is always talking about how unfashionable i am. i dont like all that stuff, and i hate growing up. i just wanna enjoy my childhood years. she also says i should get a boyfriend and keeps bothering my guy friend about asking me out but we both feel too young. my friends and i are all like that, we are just on the imature side. we dont mind what we wear , and we dont want to wear makeup. is this wrong? im going to middle school and i still rather play on the playground. am i the unreasonable one or is she?




  1. SHE IS. I was just like you in middle school. In fact, I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was 16! But I liked it that way. You never get these years back. I can already tell that you're more mature than your younger friend anyways because you know this already and you want to cherish your childhood. Keep it up! Act your own age. I didn't stop playing on the playground until there stopped being one for me to play on.  

  2. haha me and my friends are like that too but were in high school.

    i like it like that. theres no pressure to look good. i totally know what you mean.

    anyways, s***w her. enjoy your life right now. dont try to grow up too fast.

  3. Far from being unreasonable. You and your other friends actually have your heads on straight and are being true to yourselves. It would seem this other friend of yours is believing all kinds of hype about its time to grow up in middle school. It is time to grow up true enough, but not into dating and wearing make up and things like that until you are ready for that. You are doing everything right so don't let her pressure you to go against who you are. And a bit of a side note, don't be surprised if she stops being your friend. It will become quite clear to her that you aren't like her so she will try and find other friends like her and snub you. But don't let it get you down as long as you have real friends at your back. And remember be you, and not what someone else wants you to be.

  4. She is the unreasonable one.  You are way to young to start thinking about dating.  Enjoy your childhood, most of us wish we could have it back.

  5. Jeez.  You should enjoy being a kid - she's being unreasonable to force you to do what you don't want.  She's reasonable if she just likes to act more mature but she shouldn't force that on you.  Tell her you want to enjoy being a kid so you actually remember it as an adult and that you respect her decision to act more mature but that's just not for you.

  6. in my opinion i think you should confront her in the nicest way as in telling her that you (or i) am not ready for this grown up stuff. you should be able to say this to her since she is your friend. sometimes life can be easier when you talk to the people who bother you the most. if i was in your position, i would tell the person that im not ready for this grown up stuff since as you can see im still going to middle school. just because your going or in your preteens means that you have to wear make up and have a boyfriend. theres no need to point fingers here. both of you are going through stages that is perfectly normal. for those who wait for the goods in life will get it at a perfect time in their lives. :) i hope this helps. good luck!

  7. you are so just being yourself it is fine i am going into high school and i don't even were makeup or have a boyfriend and i'm a little on the imature side ! just be yourself and tell her you don't have to do anything she says

  8. how old are you??

    ikk wat u sayinq cuz im in high school and i dont wear makeup at all....

    i just dont like it... IM ME.. and just dont wear make up if u dont want to... she cant decide over you is ur life not hers!!......good luck with that

    hope it help!!

  9. I think you SHOULD learn to wear at least a little make up, when I was your age i wore barley any eyeliner, and some powder foundation.

    I say you should ditch the *****, because she is obviously not your really friend if she is doing this all to you, slowly drift apart as you enter middle school and she stays in elementary.

    tell you gaurdian not to allow her at your house, so if she calls say I'm sorry my mom/dad doesn't want anyone over today.

    I would wear a bra too.

    stick to YOU though, I mean don't listen to anyone on here that tells you to grow up. You are young, live it up!! Don't change you, just find friends that like you for you. Most guys LIKE sporty girls.

    Good luck


  10. I say your awesome and thats is exactly how I was don't grow up 2 fast you will miss your childhood...and it only is here once live your life you want to not the way other people want you too!  Be young....enjoy!

  11. haha whene you get to 6th grade you wont care if there is a playground or not trust me. but anyways, she doesnt sound like a very compatible friend truth be told. you will mature as you get older and you dont need to worryed about it anyways. ok maybe a little ;)

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