
I'm spoiled how do I....?

by  |  earlier

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I'm called spolied all the time, when I think about it, I must agree I'm EXTREMELY spoiled. But I hate people calling me spoiled. I NEVER brag. Does anybody know how I can make them stop?




  1. Move to another city.


  3. Because, my princess, you are spoiled. You cannot ask people not to call you spoiled anymore if you act like a spoiled princess. Get out of your palace and enter the real world and show the people you're not a spoiled princess.

  4. Yes you say you  are spoiled. Why do you think that your being spoiled should be posted in ROYALTY? Why do you think you should post negative items about yourself ANYWHERE?

    If you want people to stop saying you are spoiled,it's quite simple.Act in a mature fashion,think before you act,have consideration for others!

    For starters,this question really belongs in Etiquette.You are not a royal,you are not a head of state,a monarch,a sovereign.

    The next thing is to develop some solid values,have respect for learning,respect for accomplishments,be committed to both,and have respect for the feelings of others.You want to be treated well?Then treat everyone with equal dignity and respect.Behaving beautifully will stop them from saying negative things about you.

  5. Don't act like a snob, and share

  6. I assume these people are living in the palace with you, so I have to ask: why do you let them stay?  And if these insulting poltroons are not even nobles, why not just have them arrested?  For goodness sake, why suffer all the burdens of being a royal princess if you can't at least demand total awe and admiration at all times?

    Oh, and if by chance you don't care that you posted this in the wrong forum, please realized how very spoiled that makes you seem.

  7. Just what does your whining complaint have to do with Royalty.By your own admission,you are EXTREMELY spoiled but,you don't like it when people say it Oh,what was that,OMG the world has started to revolve around YOU!You are suffering from delusions of grandeur if you think that your little rant should be placed in the Royalty section.How does it feel to have so many people on here,having so much contempt for you?

  8. Take a trip to Darfur for a month. Or Calcutta.

  9. tell your parents to stop giving you everything and try working for your stuff. And tell your friends to shut up.

  10. Are you trying to say that you are daddy's little princess and you do believe having so much stuff means you are not spoiled? Sorry, just trying to work out why you posted your little rant in the royalty section

  11. Go out to public in rags, give away all your stuff, and put mud on your face.

  12. Perhaps you just discovered a new behavioral pattern:

    Being spoiled is inversely proportional your own capacity of evaluation, and vice versa.


    Your posting of an unrelated question to Royalty in this category (ROYALTY) shows your capacity of evaluation to be in the lowest range (I daresay ZERO), THUS deducing (according to this new behavioral pattern) that you are at the highest levels of being spoiled.

  13. Remove the tiara.

  14. Well you are certainly not going to get people to stop calling you that by getting angry. Develop a bland response. If someone calls you spoiled and you say "that's true", then it won't be fun anymore.


    By the standards of most of the world, almost every child in the first world is spoiled. There are plenty of places you can go to help the non-spoiled people. Maybe you won't get called that as much anymore.

  15. Are you royal? If not, find some other board to ask this question.

  16. Suicide should put it to a stop. I suggest bridge jumping or gasoline bath followed by a smoke. Peace.

  17. behave more independently

  18. dress like a tramp give to charity.. shop in charity shops.. get a job .. rub mud on your face .. :)

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