
I'm trying Salvia tomorrow?

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I have never smoked or done any type of drug but I just bought some 10x salvia and im gonna smoke it tomorrow, I want to know what to be prepared for and stuff?

What does it feel like?

And is an once a lot?




  1. It's pretty intense, and the first time you do it, it's going to scare the h**l out of you.  There's no getting around it, it's gonna freak you out.  The thing is most people get nervous so they only smoke a little bit, but with Salvia that's not how it works.  You probably know by now that it isn't cheap, and if you're going to try it you should go all out but like another answerer said you need a sitter.  Probably someone who's faster than you, because in my case I randomly started running.

    Yeah a pipe works fine, when you hit it, you need to keep the flame on the Salvia until you are done hitting, don't hit it off a cherry. And hold it in for at least 15 seconds.

    If you are smoking 10X is going to take probably 5-6 full hits for you to tripp.

  2. I'd recommend having a sitter there with you... When I tried it for the first time a few weeks ago, it was pretty intense and you'll definitely want someone straight there to make sure you don't go around s******g your house up (and to stay safe).

    It feels like you're dreaming while awake, but you don't know it's a dream. Personally, I didn't do too much but I felt that the bed I was sitting on was suddenly on a big rotating drum and I was rolling around on it trying to stay upright.

    Make sure you have a blowtorch lighter that can produce a blue flame, since Salvia requires pretty high temperatures to vaporize the active ingredient.

    An ounce is a lot. Be sure and mix some of the 10x with the normal stuff, otherwise it might be too strong for you (especially for a first-timer). Work your way up slowly if you don't feel anything at first. You'll know it's starting to work when you start to feel good. Other than that, you should feel the effects almost instantly after taking a few big hits (I'd recommend smoking in a water pipe too, as to cool the smoke and allow you to hold it in longer). If you don't have one and don't want to buy one, look up directions on how to make a gravity bong.

    My girlfriend had a pretty strange experience on it. She started into a full-out conversation with a box fan and a floor lamp. Then she said she was in a boat in the ocean.

  3. to be honest i dont recommend salvia. when i smoked it i got really scared and did not enjoy the experience, most people i know that have tried it also said they wouldnt want to do it again. if you really want to do something fun try magic mushrooms or smoke some pot. they are also natural and in my opinion much more enjoyable.

    but if you really are set on doing it make sure you have a friend there with you who will make sure you are safe and won't mess with you or try to freak you out. also smoking it in a bong or bubbler, anything with water make it work a lot better than if you were to smoke it in a pipe. have a soft blanket or something else comforting like a pillow around you when you smoke it, in case you start freaking out and for coming down from the trip.

    good luck!

  4. If you are curious to see go to u tube, type salvia and see how some poor kids act under it. Then think you are going to be one of those kids when you smoke it and make a choice if it's really worth the trouble to try it or better stay away from it and all drugs. Many kids wished ( a little too late) they never tried it for the first time...

    Good luck with your decision

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