
I'm trying to come out....?

by  |  earlier

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I just told my mom and one of my sisters about a week ago that I'm Bi- and now i'm looking to meet some guys and searching on line in my area...but i'm scared that some of the people i've known will find out...and I haven't told anyone of my friends about this...The other thing is that they aren't really my friends but they know me...I pretty much have only one cool friend I hang out with...Is this a normal feeling and should I just be myself and do my thing...What was your experience coming out? I'm a guy by the way...and have only been with this is new to me...please help




  1. You're under no obligation to 'announce' your orientation to, I would encourage you to 'befriend' whomever you like...they'll figure it out soon enough...  It's really none of their business...and, if 'it' bothers them, they weren't your friends in the first place...

  2. I am thai and I live in Thailand this country is very open.g*y or BI is acceptable. Come to Thailand.  

  3. Just be yourself and live how you want to live....You will get anxiety at first but after awhile you just stop caring who gives a hoot about you being g*y or bi....Just make yourself happy hun

  4. It's okay, coming out can be tough and stressful, but once you've come out you know who your true friends are.

    If you want to take a more hinting route, go to school and dress how you want, if that's any different from normal. Inside, do you want to be more feminine? Or do you like acting straight?

    Whichever is you, be that.

    If you want to be a little more fem (I am myself, lol) people may get a hint...

    Just don't take any insults from anyone. Hope I helped.

    Best of luck hon.

  5. I'm going through exactly the same thing, except I haven't told anyone  that I'm bi though I think my parents might have guessed. I'm scared too because I don't think some of my friends would react well, so I find it hard to be completely myself sometimes. I can understand that it's a hard situation. I know it's easier to say it tahn doing it but try to be yourself as much as you can and don't make your sexuality feel you have to hide parts of your personality otherwise you will spend all the time worrying about it nad that will only make you feel worse. It will probably be hard to start with but after a while I'm sure you'll become used to it.

  6. its no pressure ..  you have a lot of  things to consider - your family, career and even your  goals in life. coz things will soon change if you are going to make a choice of  coming out.

    try to talk things out  with  your family and let them know how you feel about it. that it will give you peace of mind and freedome if you live out  of what you are.

    coming out doesnt mean you are going to change your norms  and  b since you are discreet then be one ..

    itsa  choice to make ...( hmm...if im only in your area then im interested to meet you hehehe ) ciao

  7. Yup, it's "coming out of the closet" jitters. Most everyone has that little, niggling feeling of doubt about finally telling someone but let me assure you, it gets a lot easier (and a lot less earth-shaking).

    Once you come out, there's no going back into the closet. This may be one of the most difficult aspects of coming out the deal with: once you tell someone, ANYONE, you can no longer control that information and it may find its way to some people that you would rather not know about your sexual orientation. Oh, well. Time to face the hard facts that there are some really shallow people in the world AND that YOU deserve to live YOUR life.

    Try not to worry too much about "what others will think." Friendships may shift slightly as people adjust to this "new you" but you need to bear in mind you CANNOT control their biases, prejudices, pre-conceived notions and feelings. And you shouldn't even TRY. Be you, be out, be proud, be kind to those who would make fun of you and surround yourself with those who embrace the real you.

    Good luck and welcome to the club! You should be receiving your membership card in the mail soon  ;-)

  8. don't worry about what other people might think.. if they are ur true friends, they won't really mind... they'll support u, and just accept u the way u r

    good luck, and hope u find a few nice guys along the way on ur search

  9. Just Be Yourself........   You are who you are.... no one has the right to make you feel uncomfortable,  Relax and Do Your Own Thing, being bi is good........  for you,   Accept it & Cherish yourself for able to be you........  don't let anyone make you feel less of a man,  becareful meeting men online..........  PLEASE, becareful!

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