
I've always wondered.......?

by  |  earlier

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I've always wondered about these question but I never had the guts to ask anyone..

Can 2 people with HIV/AIDS have s*x or will their bodies' immune system get worse?


Can a person with HIV/AIDS or any other STD have s*x again without getting someone sick? Can they go to jail if they know about it and still go through with it?

These are just questions I've always wondered about. I know it's weird but I think these are kinda interesting to think about.

I'm very serious about these questions so if you're gonna say something offensive or rude please don't answer. I really don't care about your stupid comments nor do I wanna hear it.

Please and Thank You!




  1. 1)  Yes they can have s*x.  The issue is that they may have 2 different "kinds" of the virus . . . very much alike, but different, like twins.  The risk is that they will become infected with this other type which would make it harder to fight off the infection.  Most people would use condoms, unless they know they got the virus from each other.  The other issue is that the virus mutates rapidly, so there is no guarantee the virus they were originally infected with is still there - complicated, but that's the answer.

    2)  Yes, they can have s*x without transmitting the virus, but it is incredibly risky and not recommended (for obvious reasons).

    3)  Yes, they can go to jail if they knowingly infect another individual with an STD and do not disclose to them prior to the encounter that they are infected.

    Hope this helps, best wishes.

  2. being that there are different strains of the hiv virus there is a possibility of passing another strain to the other person and them getting sicker.  if the one gave it to the other than it would be the same strain  and there would not be a risk.

        yes you can be brought up on charges for knowingly infecting another person with hiv. here in pittsburgh a young man was charged with 25 counts of attempted murder for knowingly infecting young woman.  if one of them die with in a certain amt of time the charges will be changed to murder if someone has an std or hiv its their duty/responsibility to let whom ever they decide to have s*x with know of their status.  more than likely easier said than done.  but in the end we are all responsible for ourselves and cannot leave it up to someone else to be honest with us about their sexual health.  so always always insist on using condoms.  good luck...

  3. dont listen to the a*****e that said "DAM TRICK YOU GOT AIDS YOU GOING TO JAIL FOR s*x WITH KNOWING YOU HAVE AIDS .........BTW if your a man dont get anal raped in jail! " just ignore him, thats all i really got to say i really dont know but i dont want you to listen to some a*****e,

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