
I Believe In Happy Endings?

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Ok, I am 14. I beleive in the happy endings in movies like Picture This and all of those. I really like 3 guys at my highschool. One I was in 8th grade with, the other 2 I have known for 6 years. 2 of them are football players and one's not. They are all SO cute. We are having a 70s Dance next Friday and I wanna go with someone. I don't wanna go by myself. Last year I went with a friend. We didn't dance togther in fact I spent my whole time in the bathroom crying (well almost the whole time) In the end I got to slow dance with one of the guys I like still. I asked him out and he turned me down. One of the football boyz I like could pass as my brother and he know I like him cuz my friend told her friend who is his cuzin! The other football boy (bradley) has been told I like him forever! He is ALREADY popular at my new school and its only been the first week! The guy I got to slow dance dosent play football. He isnt in a SINGLE class with me. I ride the bus with casey (other football boy) and I have no classes with bradley. I mean sometimes me and my friends will eat with DJ (the other boy) cuz hes our friend, but I dont wanna be turned down and everyone know! Help me plz! I am NOT paying 5.00 to cry in a bathroom ALL NIGHT!




  1. happy endings do not happen by them selves

    you have to work for everything in life

    if you try you hardest and are very conivident when asking you have a better chance if you fail it doesnt mind

    like in ireland we have no problum with being turned down by twenty thirty girls in one night

    i hold the record by two in our school at 129 in one night

  2. I didn't read whatyou wrote, but if you believe in happy endings, then get ready for lots of dissapointments..

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