
I Can Access Her OBC?

by  |  earlier

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Where I live, adoptees and natural parents can access OBC's of the adoptee (any adoption finalized after 1993). I am planning on getting a copy of it, but am curious is I can have it amended to show the name I was going to give her? They never had me fill out any birth certificate info at the hospital, so I was not given the option to even put her original name down. Upon getting her OBC, could I request that it gets amended so that instead of saying "Baby girl M____" where the name is, I can have them put Alicya Irene, the name I had originally chosen?




  1. It doesn't matter what your family thinks.

    Life its too short. If it is as important as it seems, do it!

  2. I can appreciate the sentiment but perhaps you should wait and let her decide.  She was never legally given this name.  There have been many criticisms (on this site) towards APs and the system regarding altered birth certificates and I'm not too sure that this is any different.  So, in any event, I wish you peace and good luck with whatever venue you chose.

  3. I don't remember having to fill out any paper work at the hospital, but I was in daze, there are a lot of things i have blocked out. Just a few days ago someone triggered a memory of the paper signing at the adoption agency.

    That would be so cool if you can get BC with her name so I hope it works out well for you.

  4. Let your parents think what they want. DO what you feel you need to do to have closure on this topic. I would say go for it. As for where the name goes yeah you could ask them to put the name you orginially chose. Good Luck.

  5. I'm not sure if you can or not...

    But I just wanted to let you know...  I don't think you're nuts.  I think it would be great if you can do it.  

    I hope you can...

  6. I don't know if you can - but I'd say go for it.

    It was the name you would have named her.

    It will mean a lot to her to know it.

    I can't believe that they didn't get you to fill out the OBC details in the hospital.

    Did you sign the form????


    The hundreds of adoptees I know - would much prefer a name on their OBC - if they are ever able to get it - instead of 'No Name' - or just 'Baby Surname'.

    It's the original link with the mother they grew inside of.

    To not have a name on the OBC - is usually because the people (not the mother) that fill out the paperwork decide for themselves not to put it on - or because the mother has been talked out of putting one on.

    It's usually never because of the mother didn't want to name the child. (well - in very few cases)

    This child already has a new birth cert with her adoptive parents names on it.

    I'm guessing that they called her something different??


    Adoptees should be named - and allowed to keep their name - from their first mothers.

    They need that link to where they came from.

    Go for it.

    Good luck.

  7. I hope you can.  It means alot to me that my mother gave me a name and so many adoptees think that their mothers never named them because the paperwork just says "baby boy or baby girl"

    Thank you for reaffirming what other first Moms have told me - that even if the paperwork doesn't indicate it; most Moms did name us, whether it was documented or not.  That means so much.

    You are not nuts.  Not at all.

  8. I don't know but if you can get it done then I would do it. I refused to name my daughter. Looooong story but it wasn't my sharpest thought.

  9. I think you are awsome for wanting to do that! I am pretty sure it is possible to do - I vaguely recall seeing something something similar when I was a GAL, in NC (not my case - just present for the hearing). I think names are so important and it is a beautiful and signifigant thing to do for both yourself and your daughter.

    BTW, I think the meanings are beautiful and very appropriate.

    I do remember filling out the certificate papers and am surprised that you were not given BC forms to sign or name your daughter. It seems wrong - you should have been given that opportunity.

    Your daughter should have the name you gave her recognized and you should have the chance to give her something so special as a name. People sometimes don't understand how symbolic and signifigant a name is. Even if she is never called by that name, it is who she was when she was born and who she is in your heart. Good luck with getting it officially recognized - both of you deserve it.
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