

by  |  earlier

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and sad. I really miss my ex and i want to be with him this time a real relationship, he wanted to go back out with me but i said it wasn't a good time and we should go back out in the summer he waited 7 months so i guess he got tired of waiting just because his cousin said something so he went out with this girl just to go out with her and then me and him went to the library and after that he broke up with her and i know he likes me he called me yesterday but i wasn't there to answer the phone and i don't know wheres hes at. What should i do i miss him so much.




  1. Sweet heart. It sounds to me like he's just playing you. If he isn't, and you'r sure you love him. You need to be carful. Men are trators and abouv all things, men CAN be cheaters. If he goes, and then comes back to you, then he is desperate. He just wants someone, regardless of who it is. If I were you, I'd stand up, be a woman, and say, "No."

    It's hard to do that when you still have feelings for him, but really. It might just be the best thing.

    About being depressed and sad? Go take a nice hot bath. Put some music on. Light some candels. If you have some bath salts use that. I use baking soda and salt. It makes my skin super smooth. And the salt heels any cuts I have but it doesn't sting because so much water dilutes it.  

  2. Try your best to get over him, He's just a guy, Take up an extra hobby, find a new guy etc.

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