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They make us feel insecure and worthless

They make celebrities feel insecure and fat

They promote crash diets

They look down on celebrities who have sweat patches

They create standard of " beauty" which are unattainable

It's wrong and should be STOPPED

Who's with me?




  1. All of the above CAN be true if "WE**" and "Celebrities" allow them to. To a certain extent "Celebrities" rely on this sort of publication to remain "Celebrities" to the public.

    No need to stop the magazines - stop BUYING them or stop BELIEVING them - problem solved.

    ** doesn't include me, I don't let the media influence me in such ways.

  2. I love celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People.  All the others are bad; they lie and are c**p.  The worst magazines are Star, OK!, and the cheap ones that say aliens are coming!!

  3. They print all that stuff because people buy it!

  4. These magazines cater to people  of a certain mentality, the type of person who doesn't have the required brain cells to read a book or even a decent quality newspaper or magazine.  

    It's a sad product of our times that people would read this trash, where the agenda seems to be to promote the vain, vacuous and untalented, whilst simultaneously promoting feelings of low self-esteem and potential mental insecurities among its young and impressionable or in some cases, dim readers.

    Boycotting the magazines is one thing. Another thing would be to embrace other aspects of our culture that would promote your own thoughts and encourage personal development.  Aspects of culture that will make you actually feel good about yourself.  Sport, art, film, music, travel, history.  

    There are much more valid ways of spending your time and money rather than making Jade Goody, Jordan, Posh and all those other retards richer by buying these trashy magazines with details about their pathetic, worthless, self-serving lives.


  5. I agree all they do is try and show what everyone should look like, not to be indiviual and wear what they like and that everyone has to be skinny like all the celebs just to be normal!

  6. I also agree with you , I never read them We all could look like they do if we had personel trainers and are airbrushed , Some men expect their wives to look like that and its impossible

  7.'s a thought: you dont' HAVE to read them. I don't buy celebrity mag's because I could care less what celebs are doing, but just becuase I dont' like them, it doesn't mean that EVERY one in the country doesn't like them, some people LIKE to read that nonsense (I could never understand why)

    and if you look at  magazine and start to feel insecure and worthless...maybe its not the magazine, maybe its you. You should have enough self-esteem to know that everything in a magazine isn't directly aimed at YOU. They are trying to SELL stuff, and if you believe everything that you read then maybe you should start looking at yourself and addressing your insecurity issues and not blaming them on a magazine.

  8. meeee

  9. I agree 100%.

    They are always so negative. They take pleasure out of peoples misfortune and the scrutiny into peoples lives is unnesessary. The mags would be just as popular if they promoted positive self image.

    The paparazzi side is just plain scary, someone could get killed the way they hound people.

  10. I absolutely agree. You could be the most beautiful model in the world, and look at one of those things and feel fat. And it sure isn`t good for the celebrities either! Look at Britney Spears. We need to stop glorifying celebrities and just let them do their thing.

  11. People buy them = need to fill them with pics = cameramen chase people like Britney Spears around = might push her over the edge = people who buy celeb magazines are feeding this insanity

  12. some mags dont do that

  13. It should be but as long as people read it it will not be stopped.

  14. I'm not sure. I really like to read magazine but the gossip and stuff about the celebs isn't why I like them so much. I buy most magazine because they have posters of singers and actors I admire. They may be airbrushed but I still like them for their voices etc.

  15. I agree with you.

    I'm not sure anyone can stop the mags being published and bought but your question is helpful by highlighting some good points.

  16. just dont read them if they bother you. simple. some people like trashy mags.

  17. I am with you...

    Whenever i see the cover of one it makes me cringe and feel ashamed of my country for fuelling that business by approaching the counter and buying one!

    Why do we need to know about other people's break ups, cellulite, bad pictures, weight gain.


  18. You go girl!!! I'm with you all the way.I hate these mags.

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