
I HATE MY DAD? help!?

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im tired of this. He drinks on the weekends, but its so embarassing. Everyone sees him shaking and i hate it so much. He verbally abuses my mom and she deserves wayyyyy better than him. She's with him because we have a house that she can't support alone, me and my sister and it's not easy to leave. He says "I'm not working to leave it for other people, so let me enjoy it". I honestly don't know if he loves me. I try to talk to him but he doesn;t care. I cry a lot because i have to deal with this along with the fact that im insecure and i need to find myself.

Im 16. help..advice..stories similar to this? thanks




  1. You and my friend are going through VERY similar situations. You deserve better than that. Anybody in that situation does. Try and get him help, and taking physcology in school may help to understand why hes acting like that. Does he have problems he can't handle maybe? Try to talk to a school councellor about it. Its hard to give you advice - or even my friend, cause I don't know how it feels to actually be in that situation. If I figure out more, i'll definetely let you know.

    For now, talk to someone about it that you can trust.

    Look up things online.

    But he shouldn't be handling his problems the way he is- its not right.

    & Crying is good to let it out, but try running, or doing something to get your stress out (dont use self-inflicting stress relievers :[  )

    I hope i helped :/

  2. .................

  3. It is very hard to life with an alcoholic.  It is best to just stay clear of him when he is drinking.  Stay away from the abuse that way.   I'd move out as soon I could too.

    Look at the link below, it may help you.

  4. try finding a support group online with other kids with alcoholic me honey you arent the only one...and money doesnt matter....there are people out there with no money and they have the same type of sure your father loves you he just doesnt know how to show it

  5. first of all, how did you get your display name to be upside down?

    second of all, what your dad has is a disease, he is addicted to alcohol and needs treatment. He doesnt understand that what he tells you hurts your feelings, so don't take it to heart. I am sorry and I know that what you are going through must be difficult. But you aren't alone. Here is the website for Al-anon and Al-ateen, a website for support for family members and children of alcoholics. Best of luck to you.

    Oh and email me how you did your name please? lol

  6. that sounds tough for you.

    my dad drinks also but he doesn't live with me and I have a step dad now. It really does hurt when he calls me when he's drunk, he isn't rude to me or anything, but just the fact that he can't take time to call me when he's sober hurts. As for your problem, I don't know what you could really do other than try to convince your mom how much this is hurting you and force your dad to send money to you guys every month. Other than that, you've probably learned that money doesn't buy happiness and you probably don't even CARE how little you have as long as you aren't there anymore. Maybe a longer distance relationship with your dad will make him realize what he has (i.e you guys talking on the phone or visiting once in a while when he isn't drunk). Sorry I didn't have many other ideas. Good luck.
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