
I Keep Having Bad Dreams???

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Over the past week Ive been having really weird dreams, I have had one dream where I was in an old house and then I went outside I was surrounded with open grass land and then I walked across a bridge over water and there was a dead body floating in the water under it........... And then I had a dream where my little brother has been hurt and he was wrapped in clear plastic with blood all over his wrists and ankles......... And then I had a dream I was heavily pregnant and my husband went out somewhere & I went into labour and was in really bad pain and then gave birth sitting on the top of the stairs........ Ive never been pregnant or anything and no one has died so its really weird




  1. The bad could mean opposite - good.

    Dreaming of dead is supposed to mean life.

    The vivid visions of people wrapped in plastic and blood is just something you saw on TV.

    You have an extremely vivid imagination.

  2. The old house means something from the past has resurfaced.The little brother means that your are worried

    or concerned for something you said or did in the past.It is

    probably nothing to worry about.The pregnancy which shows

    a longing for a child which you may not be able to have at the

    time.If your having problems getting pregnant that could also

    be a factor,but I really would not worry about it too much for

    now.Happy Dreams,and I hope I was of some HELP..

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