
I Think I'm Bi Polar

by Guest60059  |  earlier

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I am in my twenties and I have been having symtons for few yrs that I have my own family I have noticed that my episodes happen more often ...i'm scared to tell anyone because they will probably think i'm crazy and I also dont want to tell a dr so that he can put me on meds for ever...what if my personality changes or I change .,.....i'm afrid that I will not be myself anymore and that I will be depentant on meds.....IS THERE ANOTHER WAY TO DEAL WITH THIS BESIDES MEDS!!!





  2. yes therapy...but u really should me on a mood stabilizer...i've been on 22 different meds for mental illness...including mood stabilizers...i found that the only ones that really altered my personality were antipsychotics like olanzapine and risperdol...not mood stabilzers...infact most modd stabilizers are actually anti seizure meds...i.e. carbamazepine, u need not fear that...i do think that if u are bi polar u should be on meds...but definity  definitly get some therapy too...

    take care

    marissa ^_^

  3. calm down already.  there are worse things in life than taking meds to be reasonably normal.  bipolar disorder is a lifelong thing - you don't outgrow it or learn to control it.  you need meds - I take lithium.  there's no shame in recognizing that you need professional help and getting it.  if anything you should be concerned about the denial and refusal to do something about your condition.  

    PS you will be yourself only much better once you're stabilized

  4. I have bipolar (2) and it is very unpredictable. My symptoms just started showing around 2007. Like you, they sometimes seem like they're getting worse. It's very important that you talk to a professional therapist. I know you're scared. They want to put me on meds too. But I always refuse. I think doctors are too quick to put someone on drugs. I'm not saying that you shouldn't take them though, they can be helpful. When I get in a  manic or hypomanic mood or a mixed state (manic and depressed at the same time), I become very irritable and angry towards everyone. It's hard but I've found that it's been a little better because I've been trying really hard to control my emotions and not let them get the best of me. I also pray a lot, I've found that to be very helpful. I go to therapy as well, and let me tell you, if it wasn't for therapy I think I would really lose it. The fact that I can tell someone everything I'm feeling without being judged feels so great. And I always leave feeling a little bit happier and more at ease. That's why I think it's really important you see a therapist. Just so you have someone to talk to. And if your bipolar gets really bad, you might want to consider meds. I'm super scared of side effects. That's really why i don't take them. But if it got extremely bad, I think I just might have to suck it up and go on them. So, don't exclude the idea of taking medicine, it might be very helpful to you.

    Good luck with everything, and God Bless =)

  5. Having Bipolar Spectrum Disorder does NOT make you crazy. It is actually a surprisingly common mental health issue. It is due to a chemical imbalance in how your brain works, and does need to be treated (in almost every case I have heard of) with medication and likely, therapy.

    Your family has likely noticed your moods and will be happy for you if you get help. Doctors are also used to and familiar with this. Bipolar also deteriorates and gets worse over time, so it needs treatment asap.

    You also might have a different disorder entirely. You should go to your GP to get a diagnosis. They may refer you to a psychiatrist who is skilled at diagnostics..and don't be ashamed of this! Many, many high functioning people have mental health issues and they are treatable.

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