
I WANT A BABy!!!!!!!?

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My husband will not let me have a child.BUT I WANT A BABY??? How do I tell him????? Please let me know!!!! PLEASE!!!!




  1. Go and play in traffic.... Silly girl, do you really think people are going to believe that? Uhmmmmm........... I highly doubt it.

  2. dont let me start

  3. 13?  Sure.  Starving for attention tonight, I see.

  4. OMG!

  5. are you 13 or 23 years old???

    you both need to agree on having a child. its alot of responsibilty!!!

  6. Okay, Toys R Us sells lifelike baby dolls... go buy one.

  7. Only 13 and you have a husband...hmmm.

  8. If you're only 13...In my opinion you are too young for a child. Start babysitting, then you'll realize it's not a ll its cracked up to be. Go to college!!!!

  9. weather you are 13 or 23 just make sure you are ready to have a baby. it takes alot of responsibility and time. talk with your husband and tell him how you feel. be sure to mention the good things about having a child...  it'll bring ya'll closer together and it's almost like having a little angel running around your house. good luck!

  10. Now I know why he doesn't want you to have a baby you are Immature!

  11. okay what the heck? is this a joke. 1st off, your 13 and there is noway in the entire world that you can be married bcuz its illegal. 2nd why the heck do you want a baby at your age. Your 13!!! and if you do have a baby good luck finishing school, getting into college, getting a job and paying for the kid. you probably just wanted to ask a random Q just 4 this answer, i think you have MAJOR problems!!! !13!! OMG i'm 13! go buy a life on ebay darling. your just wasting your time.

  12. tell thats man u want a baby or u will leave hes ***!!

    or also ask him if u can get sperm from ebay they actually sale sperm on ebay and u buy this thing and stick it up your vigina and wallllllaaaa u got a baby

  13. Yeah, ok... and how old is your husband?

  14. ur forgein aren't you? anyway, just tell him. Sit him down and talk about it...

  15. Just tell him.

  16. How are you preventing pregnancy?  Can you sabotage it?  Or find a new husband.  

    ooh, get him drunk and tease him so he'll be really turned on and have s*x with you and make a baby.  Wait, that could take a few  tries.  

    I know, doesn't his family want grandkids? Talk to them and get them to convince him.
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