
I am a snob? ???? ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16. i have acknowledged the fact that i seem s****.,and i want to now friend told me when she first met me she thought i was a snob. guys are afraid to approach me.only when im with my friends do they ever grandma told me that guys can sense my "don't touch me,uppity,s****. manner".i was shocked when she told me this because : she is not a guy, and, she is not with me when i am around guys. she's right shocked me though and made me feel i need to change. i am a very very very nice person,once people get to know me they know i am not a snob at all.i can be shy around new people. this is really affecting me because there is one boy at school, who is always looking at me,but i pretend i dont notice him because i guess im shy and nervous and play hard to get? i really dont know whats wrong with me people alway s think im some kind of snob when really i really dont want to be known as this and i dont know why i seem like such a s****. person. guys hardly approach me but people are always telling me im pretty,maybe that is why it got to my head and im snobbish? i really dont know and i am in desperate need of help i desperately want to change and not seem snobbish. help me?




  1. Oh honey,

    its ok, just be ur self

    just make sure u only gossip with ur BFF's

    and just be ur self

  2. Try to lighten up some will ya! When the other s*x is approaching on your radar try not to freeze, it can turn you into an old maid!

  3. you should think of a few people that you know pretty well, or at least have a lot of contact with, and who is your approximate age and this is key:  Pick two people who are definitely NOT snobs.

    Now, make a special effort to observe how these people behave around other people.  How do they act when they are walking down a mostly empty hall, and other people cross their path.

    Do these non-snobs say hi, do they smile, do they look down at their shoes (probably not), do they look up at the ceiling or sky(probably not) ?

    How do these people act in large groups of people?  


    Don't make it obvious what you're doing tho.

    It's hard for people to observe themselves, and realize how they are coming across to others.  But if you note other people and copy their "good" traits, it will be a good start.



  4. be yourself, smile more, but be yourself...

  5. Everybody has a "resting face" expression that stays on their face when they aren't thinking about anything, at all. Some people have a very friendly, approachable resting face....but some might appear "annoyed" or even "angry".

    If you don't look approachable, you might just have to make an extra effort to what you feel on the inside matches what people see on the outside.

  6. I identify with your situation because I'm the same way. My friend told me that the first time she met me, she thought I was a snob because I was quiet and shy. I know I've given off that impression before.

    Try smiling a bit more, even if you don't say much. I know that worked for me. And sometimes you just have to ignore the people that think they know everything about you. Just be yourself and don't let anyone get you down!

  7. I was the same way when I was in middle/high school. I was so shy and hardly said a thing, and when I made friends they said they thought I was a snob! Just because I was too shy to talk to anyone!

    Dont be afraid to speak up. Ask someone how they're doing. Smile as you pass someone.  Compliment someone you dont know on their hair, their shirt, their necklace, their shoes...Just open up a little! :)
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