
I am being straight-up serious?

by  |  earlier

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I am a loving, caring, compassionate woman, with one very serious request. I used to work construction, the only female on the crew, and I loved my job. Unfortunately, I was seriously injured during a surgery, and now have been declared permanently disabled. I live on $440 monthly, and when the Tsunami hit in Indonesia on the day after Christmas a couple years ago, I donated $200 to the victims. I don't expect a pat on the back for this deed, that is simply what I am all about. My question is this... Is there anyone out there with money to burn that can help me get out of this slump and donate some money to me? Just think, if a million people all gave me $1, I would be so much better off than I am now. I have all of my medical records, as well as proof of my donation to back this up. Someone, ANYONE, please help me out.




  1. Good luck with that... you're going to need it.

  2. This is not a cyber-begging website.

    If you want help with resources, ask here.

    If you just want money, you need to try elsewhere.

  3. I fully understand what you are saying. I worked construction in Colorado year round. I was self employed as a carpenter. It was work like 90% of Americans do not understand. I was injured on the job. You got it! I am now permanently disabled. It took me three years to find a good paying job where I sit at a computer 6 hours a day, and work on the computer and telephone all day long.

    You sent this question in, you can use a computer. You can use a phone, if not the disabled american association can make it so you can manage phone calls. I am sure you can find a job that you can do! I am only 42 years old and I have had people that work for the state (NY) hardest to get benefits from unless you are in NYC, and they have told me that I qualify to collect SSI. Instead of sitting home feeding an addiction or asking for handouts I found work. I am sure you can find work also. Go to your local, state unemployment workforce training canter and look for work. I spent so much time in there that everyone knew me by name, they see hundreds of people a day. I was there so much they gave me free coffee, they came over with a new job opening the day they got it if I might be able to do it.

    Hire a person to find you a job that you can do. If you don't get a job, they don't get paid!

  4. You should look more into alternative welfare options that can help you. Furthermore, though you might be disabled in some parts, the other parts might allow you to get different jobs. Possibly data processing? Or a work at home job? There are many job options out there, and it is illegal to not allow disabled people to work because of their disability.

    Good luck.

  5. i would seriously consider taking legal action and getting some compensation for medical negligence. but don't leave it too long

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