
I am overscheduled with rehearsals. . .?

by  |  earlier

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I am in a musical and i have like five hours of rehearsal a day and that's gonna continue for three more weeks before the show. My friends think I am being selfish for not spending time with them and going to rehearsals. Am I?




  1. You do sound busy maybe you should cut back one practise. Then take time away other than that i know how focused you have to be your friends should understand

  2. I think you should just tell your friends that it will be over in a few weeks and to make up for it plan a party or a big outing for everyone to hang out. Also invite them to the show so they see how hard you've been working.

  3. Go for your dreams, not your friends. To be in a musical play, it is hard and diligent work.  The director is the key to this success and if you have a good one, he/she will push you to the limits...Good Luck...

  4. I wish that you had told us your age! All I have to say is this...musicals are not the rest of your life, but the experience they bring will last a lifetime!!!! If you see yourself going into this area for your life, or being involved on any level, then every experience you have is going to be PRICELESS for your future!

    If your friends don't understand what it means to have responsibility and passion, I'm afraid to say they are not being good friends to you. The older you get, the more you'll realize that everyone has their own life, passion, work, and becomes a struggle to see firends for everyone. But people find ways to keep friendships alive even with busyness...start practicing now:)

  5. If you really enjoy being in the musical, then your friends should respect this decision

  6. it's your life.. do what you think you need to do to reach your goals

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