
I am really scare..........?

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of failure....

I don't know how to take this thoughts out of my head.




  1. "Forget regrets or life is yours to miss.  No other road.  No other way.  No day but today!"  -- Rent

  2. Find a therapist. Although everyone is afraid of failure, sometimes, just trying to "snap out of it/getting over it" is not enough. If it is impairing your functioning, or causing significant distress, you may need help. This is especially true if your fear is paralyzing and causes you physical discomfort.

    Your therapist will either try to uncover the cause of this deep-rooted fear of failure, or teach you techniques to help you through it. In severe cases, some medications can help with sever anxiety.

    Do some research, learn to meditate, do some yoga, and find a therapist.

    Hope this helped and wish you the best,

    Not a Prude.

  3. believe in yourself. picture success only!

  4. Stay Positive - My therapist told me if you always think of positive things like "I will be successful"  you start to believe it.  If you think badly all the time your going to become depressed and start thinking your a failure and all.

    Make a list of all the things you've accomplished or want to accomplish and then set goals on how to get there.

    Good Luck!

  5. Everybody is somehow,scared of failing.

    Always think that failures are no chains that you have to drag with you for the rest of you life,but experiences that will accumulate as experiences for a better future.

  6. Failure is natural. Everyone messes up.

    Sometimes it's okay to be a bit upset about it, but in the end you just have to accept and learn from it. If you fail or make a mistake then you can see what you did wrong and make sure not to do it again the next time. No one is perfect and no one should expect you to be. Just be careful with what you do and always give it your best effort. :]

    When it comes to the consequences then it can be difficult to face. If you can fix what you failed to do then that sounds like a good way to  handle it. If you can't fix it then maybe find some way to compensate. If none of that is possible then I suppose you will have to learn how to accept it as the past and move on. It's difficult but that's how conquering fear is.

    Just remember that everyone fails at things in life - it's all just a part of living and learning, right? :) Good luck!

  7. failure doesn't exist and even if it does,it's not that important

    because when you experience it,you'll learn something new

  8. i think every one is scared of failure..

    juz over come it=]

  9. go see a  psychologist

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