
I am stuck on my assignment?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there, i have an assignment i am doing in Aged care and i have this question which iam kinda stuck on, i was wondering if somebody woul dhave the time to help me with the answer...

the question is

Set yourself a goal for improving the quality of your relationships with three people in your workplace. One should be your manager, one a member of your staff and one as a co-worker.

•Establish some short term and long term objectives for building those relationships

•Discuss the behaviours you will have to engage in to meet your goal with each of these people.

thank you so much for anyone who replies....

=) Amanda




  1. Short term objectives- smile and say hello when you pass them. ask them how their weekend was. maintain a sensitive and caring demeanor when speaking with them.

    Long term objectives- get to know the stresses in their lives and try (in a reasonable way) to diminish this stress. maintain the friendly relationship by remembering and commenting on important events in their lives (birthdays, death in the family, etc). be a courteous and effective employee and coworker so that your lack of work ethics do not become a burden.

    Discuss how you will do these things and how they will improve your relationships and the general workplace environment.

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