
I am the ultimate push over? ?

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If someone asks me to do something, i do it, right away. Even if it's something they are fully capable of doing. Sometimes it's something i enjoy sometimes, not so much. If someone can't pay for something, i pay for it. If someone has done something really wrong to me and asks for my help, i help. I can't help it. Part of me feels like it's a good thing. But people always say that I'm just a push over and everyone walks all over me. And that seems like a sign of weakness. I don't know how to say "no" you know? Like my sisters pregnant, so if theres something she's capable of doing (her laundry) but doesn't feel like it, she asks me and i do it. Which then leads to cleaning her room. The girl i work with asked me to go clean a house with her, i was very tired after taking benedryl from breaking out in hives but of course, i said yes. How do i just say no? i feel like i can't do it..i want to help, but just not so much. I don't want people to be able to take advantage of me.




  1. im the exact same way

    I lend people money, buy things for people, help others with homework ,chores etc

    if their my friends i dont mind but people do tend to walk over you when they know you can

    you just have to think of yourself and say no maybe later or i cant right now i have to do such and such for myself  

  2. Sometimes you've got to say no. Just flat out no. I mean, next time your sister asks you to do something for her just say something like "Your capable of doing it, so why don't you? I've got others things I need to do.". =]

  3. can you lie?

    just say your friend is really sick.


    you do seem like a pushover butsome things are nice and kind.

    good luck

  4. Think of it this way--if you said yes to everything, you'd end up in a mess sooner or later. If you want to go to bed, read, or do what YOU want, say to the person, 'maybe later, but right now I need some alone time.'

    OR 'I'm sorry, maybe later. I'm busy right now.'

    Sometimes you need a break for you and only you, and people need to understand that. The word NO isn't a bad word, if you know when enough is enough. Just tell someone that you've had enough. After all you've done, they'll understand.

  5. I was the same way, but i decided to put my foot down! Its really hard at first to just say 'no do it yourself' but you can do it!

    Just find your balls and stand up for yourself! No one can take advantage of you unless you let them :)

  6. This makes two of us. The way I look at it though, at least I'm doing good instead of bad, right? On the other hand, saying no is something you have to drill yourself to do. Just do it. I know it's hard, and I finally decided to start putting my foot down about a month ago, and people are all ready starting to stop asking me to do everything.. or at least not expecting me to say yes every time. Personally though, I think it runs in my family, because my mom is the exact same way; although, my brother can say no to anyone and everyone, no matter the situation.

  7. You are a people pleaser. Which isn't bad in itself, its just when you  don't do anything for yourself, and everything is about someone else.

  8. Take a day off for yourself. Do this once a week or once a month, on a weekend when you're free. It's a "me-day" and you go wherever and do whatever you want within reason, and you aren't trying to please everyone else. Slowly increase the time you do this. Do the things you like, do the things your parents and authority figures tell you to do, but don't do anything for others if you don't want to. You can volunteer and help people do things if they can't but don't be afraid to say no. Just say, "I don't want to right now." Just that, don't ask for their approval. If someone tries to make you do their laundry or something, just sit. Don't do anything you don't want to. Good luck!!

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