
I am very confused...?

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What does it mean to "pull your f******n back"? I know f******n is that pinkish part that is on the top of the p***s. But how do you pull it back? Like is there normally skin over it and you have to reveal the f******n? And are you able to pull your f******n back while not erect?




  1. What is your age ?? U need to tell that before we can help U any further; Anyways f******n is the skin coevring the tip & the galns of the p***s ; By pulling it back means retracting it back , Or pulling the f******n in the direction of the root of the p***s , until Your glans becomes exposed ;

    WARNING : dont do this if your age is less than 15 ; You may hurt yourself

    can U plz help mine:

  2. I'm thinking you're circumcised, and don't have a f******n anymore.

    When born, there is extra skin on the p***s that slides over the 'head' of the p***s.  It will slide back and forth, covering the head.  That's what they're talking about.  

  3. The f******n is like a hood of skin over the p***s, so you would pull it back toward your body if you are uncircumcized.  You are supposed to do that while showering to keep the area clean. You can probably Google an anatomy site to see it in more detail or ask your doctor for more advice.

  4. YUCK> Go ask your doctor, not US>  

  5. If you're circumcised then you don't have f******n.  If you aren't then it's that little hat it looks like your p***s is wearing.  If you aren't circumcised then you generally need to pull the f******n back to clean the p***s effectively.

  6. itll hurt but go get circumcised dude. Ladies will hate an uncircumcised d**k

  7. This information can be found in just about any Anatomy and Physiology book or any science texts that provides information on the male and female genitals.

    Foreskins applies to the uncircumcised. Those who have been circumcised have had this area removed by a physician, medical personnel, or in some cases priest / religious layman etc.

  8. f******n is the skin that covers the head of the p***s...To pull it back its to take two fingers allong the sides of the p***s and pull back to expose the head and the inside of the skin...If you have been normally don't have much of the f******n left...This is done so that you can clean under the f******n to prevent infection...

  9. You can actually push it back.Grab the tip gently and u will see the hole keep gently pushing and you will see the f******n moving.And it doesnt work so well when its limp erection helps alot

  10. if you m********e its the same concept. knock yourself out

  11. If you don't know how to find your f******n ..... then it is likely that you do not have one anymore.  

  12. f******n is only people that have uncircumsized p***s. which is gross because bacteria and you can get disease by it thank god i am circumzied it looks more like a mushroom and very clean so ladies love it

  13. f******n over the head of your p***s is the color of your normal, untanned skin. The pinkish part on the head of the p***s is sensitive skin that is part of your p***s, which the f******n is there to protect. If you don't see this skin-toned piece of skin which retracts, you were circumcised.

    If you have not been circumcised, please do not get it done without a good, valid, health condition requiring it. It will not only hurt an adult or adolescent male, but it will over time make your p***s much less sensitive.

    Many US and Canadian women may think an uncircumcised p***s is "gross". That is because circumcision was so prevalent in the US that is what (we) are used to seeing. European, Latin American, and Asian women are likely to think a circumcised p***s is "gross". If the woman loves the guy, she won't care. But, keep it clean! It's not good for you to have it dirty, and exposure to the smegma (dirt/dead skin) has been linked to cancer among women.

  14. foreskins are hot

  15. it's just extra skin on your p***s most people mom's and dads don't get ot removed because it leave the p***s more sensitive in intercourse's(meaning it feels better for the guy)
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