
I can't chew anything...?

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I believe one of my wisdom teeth came in a bit more when I was sleeping and bit the side of my mouth. Now I have this bump inside my mouth and everytime I try to eat/chew something I bite it again! Its in the way of my teeth (obviously). What to do?





  2. I would take pain reliever and then see your dentist.  

  3. The best thing to do would be to talk to your dentist, he/she might have to remove them

  4. One trick you can try is to stuff some cotton balls back there to ease the pain and prevent your teeth from biting it. You probably need to make an appointment to see the dentist, so that you can take care of it for the long term.

  5. get to a dentist soo so they can take x-rays . Also rinse your mouth out with warm salt water1-3 times a day and that will relive the irritation and redness.  

  6. You really can't do anything to avoid biting it while it's still there. If the bump itself is sore then you can use some kind of an oral rinse to help with infection and swelling. Some also help with pain. I wouldn't use anything that numbs it because then you'll keep biting it. Motrin will help too because it works for inflammation. If it doesn't go away then go see your dentist, but give it a couple of days and just be careful. Also, when you bite into something hard you're more likely to bite that piece of tissue. Eat softer things. Good luck. If I can help with anything else let me know.

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