
I can't find my keys...?

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Does anyone have an idea of where they could be?




  1. We always prayed to St. Anthony when we lost something. I lost something today...and said a prayer to him for help & found it soon afterwards. I don't say it always works..but sometimes it does. Could be a coincidence...but worth a try.

  2. Yes, they are in the front door

  3. One day my keys came up missing. I searched high and low for 3 days. One morning at about 5 am I heard a light jungle on my floor. I froze with fright. Eventually I turned over to see my keys right in the middle of my room! I was 18 yrs old at the time and after that event I slept with the lights on for a week. Sometimes spirits play tricks on you. In my case I was living in an old army barracks in a long abandoned room at the end of a hall.

  4. The dog ate them.

    Examine all of his doings for the next three weeks.


  5. Get a key-finder like the one on Along Came Polly. They really do work!

  6. There is a Something Positive strip that deals with this same problem...

    May I suggest checking inside the boneless, hairless kitty?

  7. on top of the microwave, on your bedroom dresser, In your coat pocked, in your closet, your bathroom, your car?

  8. I don't know...turn over a works really it does

  9. Under that shirt on the floor.

  10. searching for it is the answer

  11. Try your purse.  Or under a table/couch/bed.  Perhaps in between some pillows?

  12. When mine are "missing", I ask very politely to please be allowed to see them. I swear it works, at least here. Someone about has quite the sense of humor.

  13. You probably put them down when you were thinking about something else.  Retrace your steps.   Look in all the usual places where you put them down.   Recheck your purse, coat pockets, etc.  

    To avoid the problem in the future, make sure to only put them down in a few specific  places.

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