
I can't stand my family!?

by Guest59153  |  earlier

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My mom is embarrasing, annoying, and always in a bad mood and she goes ballistic over the smallest things and I don't want to be around her. She always argues with me about stuff she knows nothing about. It's getting to the point where I don't even want to ask or tell her anything because I know it will turn into an argument. My brother uses all my stuff without ever asking first. And when my dad comes home from work he's in a bad mood because of my mom. I can't stand them! I've locked myself in my room all day because my mom and I are fighting and I just don't want to be around her right now. And, she says stuff to me that makes me feel really bad about myself, like that my clothes don't look good because my stomach is sticking out way to far and that nobody wants to see that. (I'm a little bit overweight.) I've told her how it makes me feel but she still does it. When she's in a good mood we do a lot together but I can't stand her lately. I'm getting stressed out over all this and school is starting soon and that will just add to the stress. What should I do? I'm 15. Thanks. =]




  1. sounds a lot like my family. except i dont hav a brother, just a beastly mother and stupid stepdad (sounds mean i know but if u knew them...)

    well wen every1 is hapy things r fine, but we r in arduments all the time and ever1 is always being so depressing.

    i find that going out wif my frends on the weekends always helps me to feel better, seeing as they r so nice and kind.

    they always make me feel better

    wat i did wif my mum, is just do small things to help out around the house. it made things easier 4 her in sum ways, it gave her more time to do things and then wen she started getting mad. i knew i had dun sumfin to help out.

  2. Goshh. I know exactly how you feel! Im 15 tooo! And Yess familys are annoying. Unfortunately we're stuck with em though, and we have to deal. My family bothers me all the time. Whenever my parents would say things somehow it would always errupt to this huge arguement.

    After a while got pretty sick of it. I would get all mad and cry and it was just waste of time stressing over stupid suff!!! Im a christian though, so I prayed and I also talked to my parents. I tried to think of things I could do to bring to down the stress level tooo! You say your moms angry a lot well i kinda know what you mean, but I found that by doing little things for my mom to help her out she was a lot stressed, and that helped out a lot too. With her being a lot less stressed everyone in the house felt better too. The thing is though evn though that helps your parents are always gonna bother you so what I do now is write out my feelings and listen to music. IT HELPS! GOOD LUCK! (:

  3. I think you should do it in steps: First your brother. Tell him to stop, and be stern. and if that doesn't work tell him that if you do this to you, you will do it to him. and see what that does. Your mom is a tuffie. um try talking to her. To avoid an argument, sit down. standing can be more of a mean look. then don't raise your voice! um then just share your opinions.  

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