
I can not sleep!????

by  |  earlier

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every night in bed it takes me 3 hours sometimes forever to take myself to sleep. The problem is my eye, it is so diffeicult to shut my eyes, it keeps open . Do I have to mae my eyes tired, if yes how can I make my eyes tired?




  1. You are probably just not truly tired.

    Try doing several relaxing things as the night winds down.

    Take a warm bath, possibly with lavendar beads or soaks (or use the bedtime baby soap). Even if you're a guy, you can do this.

    Get all of your work, even housework done before 8 PM, so that the stress of not having vacuumed or folded laundry doesn't keep you getting up to do stuff.

    Drink some sort of sleepy-time tea. Celestial Seasonings sells one. Or warm milk if you prefer.

    Turn off all the large, main lights in the house and use just small table lamps. This will help to tell your eyes it's night and they should be getting ready to close for several hours.

    If you want to watch TV, watch something that's not going to be too stimulating. No war movies or things that are going to be constantly flashing bright lights and changing the way the screen looks. Your eyes will have to refocus every time and this adds strain.

    If you want to read, use a book where your eyes don't have to strain to see the words. If the script is too small, you will get a headache as you get tired and that will make falling asleep harder.

    You could also buy one of those masks that you put over your eyes while you sleep. The silk/satin kind. I would think they'd have them in cotton too, if you'd prefer that. And, yes, even a guy can use them if needed.

    Or, maybe just when you're watching TV, soak a washcloth in warm water and fold it lengthwise a few times and lay it over your eyes to soothe them. It could be that you've had too much stimulation through the day. If you stare at a computer or are in the sun or under bright lights all day, that could be the problem.

    If you wear contacts, remember to take them out overnight, earlier if possible and wear glasses. Eyes need time to breath as well and taking them out while you sleep doesn't give them ample time to do so.

  2. Are you getting enough exercise during the day?  Do you sleep in too late?

    Your body is wired to sleep so you are doing something to mess it up.  Tomorrow, rise at 6 am - stay active through the day and eat sensible meals.  Avoid any stimulants and go to be at 10.  You will sleep fine.

  3. no being able to sleep is nothing to do with your eyes but your brain (some freaky people sleep with their eyes open). if your finding it hard to sleep then set a pattern e.g. you always got to bed at 11 and get up at 7, even if you havent slept all the time you were in bed, turn alarm clocks away from you as this may make you anxious and unable to sleep of you keep looking at the time and worrying about the time and how tired you wil be the next day, if you still think its yor eyes then maybe wear an eyemask so you wont be tempted to stare with your eyes open and look around the room, im realy bad if i cant sleep then i will poke and wind up my husband because im bored x

  4. Try getting exercise during the day, not too close to bedtime. Keep a regular shedule of mealtimes, etc. Don´t drink too much coffee, especially after 5 PM. Usually the eyes themselves are not the problem, there are many things that cause insomnia, most are stress-related. That is why I listed those ideas above, because they all help to relieve stress. Then if those fail, you could also try those eye covers that they give you on airlines to help you sleep.

  5. Try this it helps me. Take an extra pillow an put it over your eyes.

  6. Sometimes it helps maybe to read before bed, as this can make your eyes tired. Make sure not to have any caffeine before bed. x

  7. Try drinking a glass or warm milk like an hour before you go to bed. Just put it in the microwave for about a minute and then drink it. Trust me, it's not as bad as it sounds.  

  8. It always help me to turn on the TV before I go to sleep.
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