
I cant shave because of acne ?

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So i have acne all on my chin and side of my face so it is impossible to shave and the beard i think is making the acne worse!!

Are there anyways to shave but not irritate my acne?





  1. use a beard trimmer for the meantime.

    speak to your doctor, he/she might give you something for it.

    If its really really serious, do what a friend did - get some kind of treatment under the knife or laser or sumfin,  it didnt go away completely but it cleared 70% of his acne and he just gets the odd few spots now like every other person.


  3. Nope. You could try going to the docs for help? There are things you can take for acne...

  4. Use a trimmer, just trim it down a little.

  5. maybe try waxing.

  6. Long hot bath or shower, and then cold water sprayed on the face for a couple of minutes will tighten the skin.  Shave with the grain, only one pass each section of the face, with a new razor and plenty of soap.  Cold, cold rinse.  After-shave (yes, it will sting) and then tomorrow, after a hot shower, cold rinse, let your face dry totally, and apply talc with your fingertips.  Shave with a battery razor, don't use too much pressure.  Cold rinse.

        If symptoms persist, ask your doctor for antibiotics for your folliculitis, such as Clarithromycin.

        I have folliculitis, it comes and goes - looks bad when it comes.  My bristles tend to grow under the skin, so often need lifting out and tweezering.  It's a royal pain in the butt.

  7. Shaving is actually a good way to help get rid of acne as it is seriously exfoliating! However, the way that you shave is important... here are some Do's and Don'ts.

    DO use a mild "sensitive" shaving gel.

    DO moisten your face with warm water first and rinse well afterward.

    DO shave with the grain.

    DO rinse your razor after every stroke.

    DO consider lightly washing afterward with a mild anti-spot wash.

    DO moisturise and tone afterward with none oily products.

    DO NOT rub your face dry after shaving with a towel.

    DO NOT slap aftershave on immediately after shaving, wait until your face stops feeling "raw".

    DO NOT use an old dull razor.

    DO NOT shave first thing after getting out of bed, wait at least 15 minutes.

  8. An electric shaver is the best solution.  Just be sure to clean it regularly.

  9. Apple cider vinegar...STINKS...but works fast and well. Have someone kind enough to deal with the smell rub it on with a cotton pad for you...or cotton ball...whatever you like better.

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