
I cant wait the 6 weeks! ?

by  |  earlier

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lol im not a w***e or anything, my sons father is the same person i lost my virginity to. BUT im very attracted to him, and seriously feel like i cant wait the 6 weeks to have s*x. i tore and have stiches, i had my son 9 days ago....what would happen if i tried two weeks after having baby? like i really cannot control myself around him......its pretty bad.

any suggestions?




  1. If you think you can do it, do it! =]

    My husband and I had s*x after a couple weeks after our sons birth.

    I also tore and had stitches ..

    If you're not in pain, give it a go! BUT if you feel any pain during s*x, STOP IMMEDIATELY!

    have fun! and use protection! You're very fertile right now! =]

  2. Okay i will tell you something but you gotta read all of this not just the first 2 lines. My sister and my bestfriend waited just over 2 weeks and were fine but it did hurt after and yes the bleed some and yes they did cry some but not during they were all about it! Lol. Anyways, you can and prolly will rip something. If your stitches are still in dont at all. You will only do more damage and have to wait an extra month after the 6 weeks. What i would do is make a 3 week appointment from the day you gave birth and ask for a follow up and make some excuse up like oh you are smelling bad, i know this is sneaky but it will work. Then when you get to your room thell them you cant wait for s*x and want to make sure BEFORE you do it what would happen. I know, when i have a baby i might not be able to wait or maybe ill wait a year! Haha. Good Luck and try to control your hornyness even though you prolly have a hot hubby!

  3. You should totally check with your doctor first!!  You could be setting yourself up for major problems in the long run!  From infection to never healing properly... like the stitches not closing the wound... if you catch what I'm saying...  besides, with a new baby, 6 weeks goes by pretty fast!  Still if you want to sooner you should check with your doc regardless... you may want to ask about birth control too.  Even if you are breastfeeding there is a good chance of getting pregnant again.  There's a special kind of birth control you can take while breastfeeding.  Don't forget, there's also plenty of great things two people can do together without actually having s*x.  Plus, you'd want to give your part time to get back down to a feel good for the both of you size.  Otherwise, what's the point? =)

  4. Wow... I never had that problem. I wasnt even thinking about s*x. I would say its best to wait. Its only 6 weeks and for the better. They have that rule for a reason. Just mess around, have fun pleasureing eachother in other ways.  

  5. you should wait, a lot of damaged could be done, and you body is trying to get back to normal you should wait the six weeks and then have a doctor examine you to make sure everything healed properly, i had to get stitches myself and when i got examined it turned out that the person who sewed me up did it wrong, if i had s*x it would have been worse. always check with a doc first!

    i know its hard and the reason you cant control yourself right now is because you hormones are out of whack. you were pregnant for 9 months(technically 10 but w.e) and all of a sudden your not, everything will settle down in a bit, but resist for now ...for your own safety.

  6. Get him to pleasure you without actually going inside you, that would be a better idea I think.  Also talk to your doctor about it, tell them you don't want to wait and ask what the risks are to not waiting.

  7. You risk an infection that can put you back in the hospital.  You need to wait until your 6 wk checkup to make sure that your stitches have healed and that your cervix is fully closed and your uterus is going back down in size as it should.  If your cervix isn't closed all the way you risk infection in your uterus, if the stitches aren't healed properly you risk infection there and ripping the stitches out.  

  8. With my first i tore and had stitches and we had s*x after 5 weeks. With my second i had a tiny tear, no stitches and we had s*x after 4 weeks. I know how you feel, giving birth just sends your s*x drive sky high. People think it's the last thing you want to do but I guess not.  

  9. You could tear your stitches. You could get pregnant.

    Suggestion wise, try other forms of showing your feeling for him and wait until the 6 weeks is up.

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