
I cut my ball area ??? ?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know if the "new skin" product and of neosporin will help to help because i am planing to have realtions like tommroow nad i cut myself yesterday so far i put a bandage and that is it i need help give me your opiionino on that and if you have any other rememdies




  1. ull be just fine

  2. I wouldn't shave it anymore!

    new skin

  3. You should be fine.

    Just keep the wound clean, and keep it bandaged.

    Neosporin will help if it is applied, as will hydrogen peroxide.

  4. Nah, Apply some Essential Oil of Lavender (neat) and some Aloe Vera Gel.

  5. Stay away from there with sharp objects. Keep it clean and use Neosorin.

  6. youll be fine

  7. On an open cut, New Skin will hurt like h**l. Definitely use Neosporin. Maybe during your relations you can use this to your advantage, tell him/her you had a boo-boo and a kiss would make it better !!!

  8. tryin to neuter yourself or somethin?? just kiddin. keep it clean and let your body do the rest.

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