
I don't understand.....?

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I dont understand why people dis Kyle Busch so much. He drives just like Dale sr drove.... and I dont hear anyone dissing Dale.. Please inform me. ..............have a legit reason.




  1. Hey I feel the same way. My next door neighbor works for M+M and told me the whole reason. So I will give you the bottom line on it. The reason why everybody hates him is because he is NEW into Nascar and he is very young and some people think he is very cocky. And he is been winning a lot of races so people are getting mad that the new guy is winning and not some of the other guys like Gordan or Jr. I hope this helps. Get back to me if you have any questions.

  2. For me, I never liked Dale Sr. when he was alive for his attitude etc. He was called the Intimidator because drivers knew he would just knock them out of the way. Kyle Busch does the same thing and I don't like him either.

  3. Probably because people like you keep comparing him to Dale Earnhardt. Very foolish.

  4. I don't dis busch,& for the 100000000th. time, HE DOES NOT DRIVE LIKE DALE EARNHARDT, any questions?

  5. I do not think they hate him as much as they hate way TOYOTA  has taken spotlight away from Gordon, Johnson, aand cheater JR  Shows that it's not drivers who win but the crews with most money.. COT  has  brought parity between drivers aaaaand die hard fans don't like that

  6. Dale Sr. was an a**.

    Dale Jr. is a disgrace.

  7. I don't think his driving is the reason because even people like me who aren't fans of him enjoy watching his passes and think he has amazing car control.  I don't like him but he is a GOOD racer.  Why I don't like him: one reason the way he treats his brother and the way Kurt is to him I don't really like either one.  Also his altercations in the truck and nationwide races out side of the track with other drivers and crew... in my opinion that is uncool.  Yes when the red mist takes over its hard to stay under control but Kyle takes it to the max.  Even my fave. drivers have lost it on occasion but I don't like how Kyle is.  And lastly the way he talks to his crew makes me mad.  They work there butts off to get him in victory lane week after week and he should do a better job of thanking them and his sponsors.  I don't think he is but he seems ungrateful after the races sometimes.  And this is stupid so no one has to tell me so but I hate that he left Hendricks is in a  Toyota and is kicking butt lol.  I thought losing that ride would kill his career but it didn't'!

  8. to the average person who barely keeps up with nascar....they don't know what Dale Sr's reputation was like.   All they know is what they've seen on a few tributes that focused only on the good things the man did in his life.   Not saying I have anything against the man, but from what I've seen, heard and read about the man.....he really wasn't that great of a man away from the track....especially not in his younger years.   If the movie 3 is anywhere close to accurate, he didn't see his son Kerry for well over 10 years, and then Kerry had to come to hunt him down.   Certainly doesn't seem like a dedicated father to me.   And personally I'd consider that to be a major factor in being a "Good" person.  

    The man was a great racer, and a true legend in the sport, but it really ticks me off that now that he's dead popular opinion has him next to Mother Teresa as far as the way he lived.

  9. I don't understand why everybody doesn't like chocolate ice cream with pickles. Please inform me........have a legit reason.

    People will like what they like. People will like who they like. Their likes and dislikes won't always be in line with yours. I for one don't like Kyle Bush. He's an awesome driver with a lot of drive, but I just don't like him. I don't want to kill him or throw things at him, but he won't be invited for Thanksgiving dinner anytime soon. That's ok though, because I'll probably be having chocolate icecream with pickles.............and I heard he doesn't like that.

  10. Dale was boooed! I was there for those boos. But I think the real issue for Kyle is his arogance...(had another word in there but it blanked it out). When Dale won a race even if you were not a fan it was cool to see him when especially if it was at a track like Daytona or Dega...because of the things he could make his car do. Off the track Dale was a teddy bear. He was very into taking care of others. He gave to many charities and made sure those who needed did not need anymore. Make a wish was one of his favorite charities and no one will ever forget the magic penny from the little girl . He won the Daytona 500 that day. It was magical...and the whole NASCAR garage was out there to greet him... there was respect there. Kyle has no respect because he comes off as a punk kid.

  11. Can you say double standard? Dale was hated in his day as being too reckless (sound familiar?). Nowadays people have forgotten what a dirty driver Dale was, but they sure make a big thing of Rowdy driving with that same style.

    As Andy Rooney would say, Why is that?

  12. Its not cocky when you can back it up.

    he doesn't drive like Sr. Other than Jr in a racing accidents, who else has he wrecked. If Sr. couldn't pass you, you would just flat out wreck you and say he didn't mean while laughing about it.

    Plus people dint like the way he handles the booing, He just goes with it. He doesn't try to win the fans over. He is there just to drive. When he gets out of the car after a win and everyone is booing, I love how he just salutes the fans like "You might boo me but I'm taking the trophy and the check"

    Plus I have been to the All-Star race the last 4 years and Jimmy Johnson gets the most boos there and it is Lowe's Motor Speedway and his garage is less than a mile away

  13. There is only 1 reason why Kyle Busch has so many haters this season. He is winning too much. He is taking the spotlight away from other ppls drivers and getting all the attention. Even Jr. has started to be overshadowed a little (if that is possible) when Kyle is on track. Believe me, if it wasn't for his like 15 wins or however many he's had this season there wouldn't be half the talk there is about him, good or bad.

  14. Because they are being hypocrites. Dale Jr fans always say "Rowdy is so rough why does he wreck Jr" and then the next sentence they say "I wish Dale Jr would wreck Rowdy" bascially saying well its not ok for Kyle to touch Jr, but they would love to see Jr wreck Kyle. As alanfries said, Jr fans have an extreme double standard and seem to think they are the only fans in the sport and its ok to be so hypocritical.

    Jr fans will say 'I wish Jr drove more like Sr' and here comes Kyle driving almost exactly like Sr and winning races but they hate him and say 'he is too wreckless' but when it's an Earnhardt it's fine. I guarantee if Kyle was named Kyle Earnhardt and was Jr's brother, Kyle would have ALL the fans and Jr wouldnt have any because Kyle is aggressive like Sr and secretly the Jr fans wish Dale Jr would drive more like Kyle. Maybe he wouldn win more than once in a blue moon then.

    Speaking of not understanding, I don't either, and if Jr fans would really look at what they are saying when they bash Kyle, maybe they wouldnt understand what they are saying either, because it doesnt make sense how its ok for one driver to do it but if another does it should be the death penalty

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