
I don't understand this dream... ?

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I had a dream my cat scratched my face and left a huge mark, and i woke up and my dream really happened. I don't understand how it was completely right...




  1. You  dreamed it and your cat was picking up your dreaming so did exactly  that scratched your face!   Cats are often psychic.  Your cat may have thought you wanted your face scratched!

  2. U dreamt of something and it really left an imprint of the dream when you woke up. It is not totally dreaming but in between. You are about to enter dreamland when an actual event happens As your mind was still related to the actual world and was  slowly losing its contact,that sudden incident startled you awoke.

    It is an illusion of half dream.

  3. This is called a Vision. It comes from the Bible. It is a special gift. I first got a vision when I was 15, that I know of. My vision was as simple as yours was, but when you get older (I'm 27 now) the visions can help you. Sometimes, you will have to rebuke your visions if you receive something bad in it. But it may be the best gift you will ever hold. To this day, I even ask for more visions. I don't get visions often but, whenever I do the visions are so vivid- like years later you will remember them, unlike dreams. This is a very special gift that you have.

    You know, I am kinda glad that you wrote this question. You helped me tonight. I googled " I am not good at anything", and google brought me to this site (not yours) where I read about a man that felt like he was good at nothing and wanted to end his life- I almost could relate. But I saw your question on  the side- which brought me to writing you now. I really thank God for your question. Because I am good at something... I get Visions.

  4. well im not an expert, but maybe you were half asleep and your cat really did scratch u but u thought it was a dream, but it really wasnt

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