
I dont get alll!!!

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Ok so I want to know more about college like what the heck are majors and do you have to stay at a dorm in college or go home I dont get any of it!!Someone please help!




  1. Do you have any colleges in mind? You can contact the colleges you are interested in and ask for info. You can also go to the library and get a book on what you can do with the different degrees that are offered.

    About dorm life, it all depends on the college. Most colleges that have dorming students, they want freshman to stay on campus if they plan to live away from home, just for the first year.  

  2. major is your concentration of study... when i was in undergrad i picked a major = Biochemistry & all life science related fields are in College of Basic Sciences

    A university is composed of many "colleges" that offer different degree/majors to the students of the university.

    Ex: Louisiana State University has a College of Agriculture, College of Basic Science, College of Arts & Sciences.. etc... etc...

    I think staying in the dorm is a great idea.  I stayed in the dorm my freshman year and met many many people I still am friends with today... but some Universities do require staying in dorms for first year, while others do not

  3. It depends on the college.  Most smaller, private colleges, I think require you to stay in the dorms because it gives them money.  It also helps you manage your money and makes sure you get fed.

    Bigger collages and state schools don't neccessarily require you to stay in the dorms.  It is recommended.

    You can major in almost anything.  Any subject you liked in high school can be a major, but not every school has all of the majors.

    You can visit colleges to see what majors they have and what they are like.

    Community colleges are more like high school.  You usually live at home or in a small apartment near the college because they don't usually have dorms.  But it is a lot cheaper to go there, and the classes are smaller.  That is important because the professors can actually help you if you get stuck with something.

    At universities, freshman classes can be as big as 300 students at a time and you just have to listen to a long lecture and read the text book and pass the tests.

    I hope this helps!

  4. you might want to look on the specific college's website to see what majors it offers or look up your major to see what colleges are offering it

    and you don't have to stay in the dorms if you don't want to but all the info on the dorms would be on the college website

  5. If you live far away from school you might want to live there in a dorm or rent an apartment with other students. Dorm life can be the highlight of your college years. But you do not have to stay in a dorm. It depends on where you go to college and your financial situation. Majors are sort of like what it is you want to focus your career on. Such as business, law, science, history, computers... People often change their major as they see other majors of more interest.

    There are counselors and career planners at the colleges to help you along the way.  

  6. Ok, first of all you have to find out what job industry you would like to work in. This website helps: Read about all the different jobs that interest you by checking them and the one you dont like cross them off. Once you get to the one you like and can see yourself in, then that is your major.Your minor would be soemthing you wouldnt mind doing either. Just be very careful and read alot about each job especially the ones that interst you the most. You can stay in a dorm or be at home. That doesnt matter. If you live close to the college then live at home if not then stay at dorm. Either way its all about how and whats best for you to be able to study. I hope that helps

  7. when i went to high school, that's what we had guidance counselors for.  make an appointment and talk to one.  maybe college is for you, maybe not.  but that's what they do for a living; ask your questions there.

  8. Different schools offer different majors. The general majors are usually math, psychology, biology, chemistry, business, art, theatre... etc.

    Most schools have a policy where if you live outside a certain radius of the school, you must live in a dorm but you don't have to. You could just get an apartment that is close or something. The closer you live, the better chance you will actually go to class on time or at all.

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