
I eat raw ramen noodles - bad? ?

by  |  earlier

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I love to snack on raw, uncooked, ramen noodles. They are crunchy and they taste good.

Are there any bad health effects on eating raw noodles?

Am I weird? Anyone else do this?




  1. i eat them raw a lot. they are not GOOD for you raw, but they sure are good :)

  2. i've heard you may explode! seriously, i looked it up and it says that you eat it raw and it will suck up all your tummy juice and grow and grow... UNTILL YOU EXPLLODE!!!

  3. I'm lol right now because my teenage daughter; 15 eats them raw all the time and I scream and shout "DO NOT EAT THEM NOODLES!!!" and she say why mom, your insane. I always thought she was the insane one for eating them raw, she act like she eating popcorn or something while viewing a movie or tv and she even has my 4 year old grandson eating them.

  4. I go to Sam's club and get 6lb bags and usually eat a bag a week, maybe that's why I can't p**p!!! But I love them!!!!!

  5. I eat them all the time!!!! Elbows to be exact!!!!

  6. i eat them too like that now!! they are good!!

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