
I feel like a horrible person!?

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I was at my friends house, and complaining about how I hate my ugly phone. We came up with this stupid plan, that I would say I left my phone on the ground and when we went back, it was broke. My friend and I broke it in half. My mom was all concerned and is taking me to Verizon tomorrow. This is what I wanted, but I feel horrible now that I did it. I'm not sure what to do. I was just thinking, I'm lucky enough to have a phone and I'm breaking mine to get a better one! What can I do? Should I feel bad?




  1. First of all, I think lying is one of the most damaging things people can do to each other in their relationships. You've already learned that it makes you feel terrible. Maybe that's a good lesson.

    Second, find out if the new phone will actually cost anything. I have Verizon service too, and I know that if your parents took out  replacement insurance or if you are eligible for upgrading your phone anyway, it may be free.

    If it's not free, offer to pay for the new phone. If you have no source of income, offer to do chores for whatever number of hours would pay for the phone at minimum wage.  While I wouldn't generally recommend compounding one lie with another,  it wouldn't be untrue to tell your mother you feel responsible for having to replace the phone and you want to help pay for it.  The second "lie by omission" could almost be justified because it will make your mother feel better, and there isn't much to be gained by telling her what really happened.  What happened is not that important in the grand scheme of things.  But that assumes you've learned a lesson and will never do this again.  

  2. You should feel bad...phones cost a lot of money and you are lucky to have one but it is a good sign that you feel bad at least you know what is right and wrong even if it is too late. You should tell your mom the truth now before she finds out because it's not hard to figure stuff out like this and she probably already knows.  

  3. That's just superficially dumb.  Waste your time doing something constructive.

  4. Yeah I would tell your mom that you did that. At least you feel remorse for it though and hopefully you wont do it again. Thats not nice, it's like being a brat to get what you want. And yeah I would feel bad too and again hopefully you will learn your lesson and wont do it again.

    Also, you posted this under pregnancy? Watch and make sure where you are posting it.  

  5. I would feel bad too, but the fact that you are having second thoughts shows that you are not a horrible person, but that maybe you should think things out more in the future. Relax, it isn't a big deal.

  6. Your right; you did a stupid thing.  Phones cost money and just because you felt yours was ugly; didn't mean it didn't work right.  On top of which you lied.  That is bigger than just doing something stupid.  Once you are caught in a lie, a parent loses faith and trust in you and that is hard to earn back.

    Tell Mom that you made a bad decision and regret it now.  Tell her that you are willing to pay for a new phone, if she is still willing to get you one.  

    As for chores, everyone in life has to do stuff.  You live in a house, eat food, get clothes and an education, medical care etc.  In return, you should help out when you can so the family can run smoothly.

  7. Tell your mom the truth and offer to work off the price of a new phone.

  8. Yes, it is right to feel bad.  Its called a "conscience".  Now do the other right thing and tell your mom what really happened, and ask for forgiveness.  Offer to babysit or whatever so that you can pay for the damage.  This may help your mom realize that you really can be responsible and will help you realize that if you act like a brat there are consequences.  

  9. Even though this answer my prevent you from getting a new phone, I would tell your Mum the truth. I think you should feel bad in a way but also you shouldn't.

  10. You made a very poor decision wÌ hen you decided to break your "ugly phone" and manipulate the situation instead of finding an honest way to earn yourself a "better looking one". However, the fact that you are feeling lousy about it shows that you have a healthy sense of remorse. You don't need to ask IF you need to feel bad about it... YOU know the answer to that! The questions you need to ask is how you stop feeling bad about it? and the answer is : By making it right. You made a mistake and need to come clean and offer a way to regain your mother's trust. After she gets pass the initial disappointment, she will be able to appreciate that despite your error, you want to be an honest person. Don't compromise your principles right now over a silly phone in the hopes of taking the easy way out. If you do, you will start losing self  rÌ espect and what's worse eventually with it your sense of conscience.    We all make mistakes but only those of us who take responsibility fÌ or them and choose to make things right again, gain a more valuable thing than anything you could ever buy...integrity and self respect.    

  11. You aren't a horrible person but that was a pretty horrible thing to do. It is a good thing you feel bad about it, because you should. To be upset about such a trivial thing when there are people right here in America who are homeless, abused, and going hungry is really pathetic. If you were my child and broke your phone you definitely would not be getting a new one and have many other privileges revoked. It's great you babysit and do chores but those are things expected of people. You should help out your family because your parents do much, much more for you. You'll realize it as you get older.

  12. Your conscience is trying to tell you something.  You did something wrong.  You damaged property.  

    However, I am not saying I would mope around for the next three weeks about this.  Just realize that what you did was wrong, and do not ignore or punish your conscience for doing its job.

    Also, I agree with the other answer that said to tell your mom the truth.  As a parent, I would wish my daughter to tell me the truth, even if it is bad, and even if it seems like it may be too late.  

    A parent/child relationship is all about trust, and she will appreciate your honesty.  Just pick the right time to tell her, and eveything should go smoothly.

  13. you should fell bad..if i was your mom you WOULDNT get a new one since you seem to be immature and selfish therefore not needing the would also be grounded from EVERYTHING (computer, other phones, no friends, ect) not only that but if you wanted to continue having a phone after such an act you would have topay for it and the are expenisve and so are the plans on them..have a little more respect for your parents and a little more understanding.

  14. You should feel bad. Even pay as you go phones are pretty expensive. Maybe just ask for one next time? If they say no, they are your parents. No is no.

  15. Glad you feel bad (I don't mean that in a horrible way, I just mean it's good you have a conscience and that you're not just a brat that does these things without caring!). Seriously, this will bug you forever if you don't 'fess up. I'm 20 and to this day I still have a couple of things that I lied to my parents about or whatever as a kid that I still feel guilty about. Even if you lose you a phone, you'll have a warm, fuzzy feeling after owning up, nothing feels as good as having done the right thing. You said you offered to pay for it, but I presume you mean without telling her you broke it yourself? In which case, tell her. If you have the money to get yourself a new phone then it won't matter anyway, you'll still be able to get one, and yeah she may be a bit peed off at first at what you did but trust me she'll eventually appreciate you telling the truth. Do the right thing hun, its best all round :-)

    Edit: Just saw your last additional details. That's life hun - your parents brought you into this world, raised you and gave you everything in life that you have today. Doing chores and stuff is a way for parents to teach you how the world works, and a small bit of repayment for everything they've given you. I know it's a hassle but believe me it's a good thing, when you become an adult and especially if you have kids yourself you'll realise that life is full of chores, and doing them as a kid helps prepare you for this, and you'll also appreciate how much work it is to keep a house and a family and be glad that you helped out. So doing chores doesn't mean that your mum owes you anything - especially not anything achieved in such a deceitful way - so I still stand by what I said, do the right thing and you'll feel so much better, and it will be much fairer on your mum who works to earn the money she'll spend on that phone.

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