
I feel like a wimp..?

by  |  earlier

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i let most of my friends take advantage of me (using me and taking my stuff) because i just cant say no.. I'm going to 8th grade and every ones going to wanna punk me down.. i just cant say no to people? i feel like i have the power and confidence and stuff but in night times i dream of fighting the people who pick on me because I'm small and the way i fight them, i know I'm strong and practice fighting on a pillow.. but when it comes to people hurting me i just cant do it.. please help!




  1. this question doesn't belong in this section.-

    but good luck.-


  2. its fine. your not a wimp. im like that too. alot of people take advantage of their friends and everybody knows its not right. so what i would do (and have done) is to talk to your friends and tell them to treat you as a human being and not a supply store. If they continue, find better friends. I had too. It may be hard. But it will be worth the fight to give up non-thankful friends for those who care for you. Believe me.

  3. Wrong section dude.

  4. practicing fighting on a pillow,oh my god you are a wimp.

  5. oaw mate, i know how you feel.

    I myself was EXACTLY like that. It was never too worried about saying no to people, but bullying, dont get me started.

    My first 2 years in highschool we very very bad. I got bullied alot. I was very small, very short, and people just brushed me off.

    I got picked on alot in year 8. Too much, my mum said dont worry, you'll grow, but I wanted to do more then grow. She was right by the way. Start of year nine i have grown 4 - 5 inches.

    Anyway, in the meanwhile (summer holidays) I joined a judo club where i practised for FUN 3 times a week. I did 20 push ups every morning and every night before I went to bed.

    Half way through year 9, I could do 55 push ups in 1 min where as at the start of the year i could only do no more then 10. I went to a state judo tournament for FUN and came out of it with a broze medal. Turns out i was better then i expected. Next tournament I went to, i got a gold and became ranked one in my state.

    Then, term 2 or term 3.., one day after soccer training, one of my bully's was annoying me BIG TIME. Starting throwing the stuff from my bad at me. My mum was even there, he didnt realise that the woman was my mum. I cracked. And having half a years worth of judo training and extra strength (just from them 20 push ups).. how shall i say it...

    i owned him xD 3 blows to the back of the head, and a throw he was down. Now, im not saying violence is the answer, but in a tough situation.. if you have the skill and the strength to do somthing about it, do it. Im glad i tought him a lesson, regardless of the consequences, because for over a year now.., i havnt be bullied once :)

    If you want to take it a bit more seriously, buy some 2.5kg weights, and just do 100 lift ups of them each day. You have no idea how much you'll benefit from it.

    Im now year 10 and i have s**y arm muscle that can lift 80kg, especially good for my age.

    If you want somthing so bad (in our case, for people to stop the annoying BS) never rest until you know for sure there is no hope, and even then, keep at it, and it'll happen.

    ps: One of the reason my "enemies" kept at the bullying, was due to the fact they didnt realise they were doing it.

    Talk to your year-master (or get your parents to) and get them to organize a little meeting between each other, where you can get everything off your chest. If that fails, go for the get massive approach. But that isnt too bad to go with regardless.

    I hope sharing my expirence has helped you and wasnt too boring :P


  6. i know exactly what you mean, that happened to me in the 8th grade. I had "friends" who always put me down and boss me around and take advantage of me which isn't cool. But think about it, those people who boss you around aren't your friends, they're just bullies. And i know that it is hard to say No to people because you don't want them to hate you or whatever, but what i do i think about all the bad stuff they did to me and that makes me want to scream No. After the first time you say No, it'll become a lot easier. You just need to find some new TRUE friends who don't take advantage of people, trust me you'll be friends with them for life. And you're not a wimp :)
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