
I feel mentally sick?

by  |  earlier

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I just started college last week and ever since i haven't felt myself. I keep thinking that i am going crazy or something is wrong with me and i can't stop thinking about it. I am having trouble sleeping. A part of me feels like i am just suffering from severe homesickness, but then another part of me feels that it is something more serious. Any advise on my situation?




  1. It is very common after a radical change in life-style, job, or a big move, to feel like you are feeling. It´s a whole new routine, and of course it can make you feel nervous, even to the point of feeling physically ill. You are not mental, don´t worry. Just take things slowly, you´ll get used to all the new things, people, etc, and start feeling better. It takes awhile, give it a couple more weeks, and try prayer too. If you can´t sleep at night, try praying for others. It relaxes you, takes your mind off your own problems, and before you know it you will be waking up refreshed the next morning. Hope this helps.

  2. u have felt liek this bcuz this is a new rigth of passage and its hard!! Thats why it very important to find wats offered in your school that can help u succeed , the first yr is the hardest and stressful beyond belief for  a lot of ppl in your same shoes.

    Make it an effort to realize its time to grow up just a little bit more an dnot be so attached to home things that u can't focus on school. Tell your concerns to your parent(s) or whoever took care of you or who u trust and love. Talk with a school counselor just to vent your helps!  U sound very scared and stressed out maybe even some depression or just anxiety thats why ur having trouble sleeping but it too shall pass, try not to worry and take it day by day and liek i said talk with someone !:)

  3. your not mentally sick your just homesick like u said. starting college is a big thing. being away from home, your friends, and in a new environment can cause alot of stress.  

  4. hmmm i have felt that and still feeling that. hehe. a part of me thinks that although im not sure what's happening i think im still normal but another part thinks there's something more to it. like this is something serious too. so when you started college you just felt like that immediately w/o anything bothering you? i don't really know what advice to give you.. if i tell you to go to a doctor, will you? and besides am not a doctor person , i dont trust them. haha. probably you can ask more here in yahoo or research about the feelings your feeling:)

  5. Maybe is because of the stress of starting the college, generally of the new environment. Try to make new friends, start a hobby.
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