
I feel so alone... help please?

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I'm a freshmen in high school (9th grade) and I feel really alone. During the weekends my friends leave and visit divorce parents or they're grandparents.

My dad is off doing house projects with his time off, and my mom busy cleaning (weekends are they're only time to get stuff done around the house). My older brother is often at work, and never wants to do stuff with me, while my sister is off hanging with her friends. She let's me join with her sometimes, but I just feel strange. What can I do to keep myself busy? Cause right now I just hang in my room writing little stories, searching the net, listening to music, and reading. Not much fun for me...




  1. What not set yourself a big goal, like learning how to drive a car, or become the best in your team or taking up an interest that you can do during each weekend, or helping around the house with chores for about two hours each saturday morning?  That way you will be getting something done and feeling good about yourself.

  2. I just answered a very similar question not tooo long ago  and i think everyone goes through this loneliness thing i went through it not tooo long ago just make some goals for yourself long term and short term and make some new friends.  

  3. Your just lonely, in the zone of anti-social for a little big. it's not that you are alone but that you just need a boost on your social life. For example have you ever played sims? I know strange question, but if you have, the one of the mood meter things is social. When the meter gets too low, your sim is depressed. The same with real people. You have to keep all your emotions in balance and such. Try giving other friends a call, or make more friends so you have more weekend people to hang out with. Try to do maybe visits during the week, maybe to do homework at a cafe or something. Everything should be fine once your back in balance.

  4. maybe if you helped your mom clean house .........  oh sorry. dumb idea.

  5. Try finding a new hobby. I know that writing music and reading are hobbies but if your obviously bored with this you need somethingg new. I find it very hard to believe that all of your friends go away every weekend but if they do well then I'm sorry. But the good news about new hobbies is that they open new doors and they help you meet new people. Your only in 9th grade join a sport or the school newspaper. As soon as you start driving maybe you could get a part time job. You might think that your life is overly boring right now but as soon as you start working and paying bills and keeping up a house you will long for the days where you could sit around and do nothing. Hang in there, your not alone just bored.  

  6. Kim, you should get some friends in school then you could talk to them over the internet or get their phone number to call them. It takes guts to just start talking to people but you make yourself do it. And nothing is wrong with being alone.

    Or try to do a sport in school.

    Things will get better

    You just have to wait.

    Belive it or not there are people out there who are way older than you and are still alone. So make some friends while you have so much more of your life ahead of you.

    I feel lonely and Im 19...


  7. i know how you feel. i went through that during a little while after my freshman year. i know that its frustrating that everyone seems busy, but what i did was listened to music and wrote, like you kinda. find something that you really like and do it. im obsessed with music, and i love writing, so thats what i do when i have free time alone. maybe go do something outside. something active, like basketball or something.

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