
I found a stray cat...?

by  |  earlier

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A few days ago, I found a stray cat outside of my appartment building. lt bad for him, so I brought him in, and kept him inside of the bathroom until I could get him to the SPCA. He is such a sweet cat, very affectionate, and loving. Every organization said that they were going to kill him after 5 days, and the SPCA was full, and couldn't take any more cats.

I decided that I was going to go ahead and keep him. We took him to the vet, got him his rabies shot, and then had him checked for Leukemia. He came back negative, and we decided to let him roam free with our other cats. Things went 180.

Our three big cats he doesn't seem to mess with, but our kitten (10wks, same as he is), he keeps picking on her, and he's become very aggressive to both myself, my fiance, my cats. I don't know what to do, he's changed.

I can't risk the safety of my other cats, the SPCA has open space now, i feel bad for this stray cat, but I just don't know what to do. Will he ever calm down?




  1. i have a cat, dont give it awaay, dont let it die

    Try to cheer it up, maybe buy it toys or something, or perhaps a playmate?

    Be more affectionate, and let it know your are nice to it, give it attention

  2. yes. I have alot of experience with cats and have been known to take in a stray. It will take some time for them to get used to each other. The cat is not feral or you would never have been able to get near him. He is just trying to establish himself in the pecking order of your household. Give it another week or two, you'll be amazed. If you still want to get rid of him try a free classified like you may be able to find another home for him.

  3. When you get him fixed..........He will.  Also, kittens play rough.   What seems mean to us is playing to them.  The shot and test probably made him fear you a bit because they don't understand why we do things that hurt them.  My brother had a cat and because he worked during the day.. I got stuck taking his cat to get declawed once and fixed another time....My brother said the first time.......this kitten meowed like 5 minutes he was telling on me.  He never done it before or after.  The times I came over, this cat growled and hissed and hated me......LOL  He thought all I was there for was to kidnap him and take him to get hurt.  POOR BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The kitten we just rescued gets so mad at me for bathing him because he wasn't old enough for flea medicine.....once he's all dried he plays rough as he can like a pay  But curls up once he's wore out in my arms.  GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. A stray cat lives with me now too! You just have to give it time. And by the time they are friends, they will be touching noses. But you have to give it time. Buy the stray cat some toys so it will keep it occupied and while the kitten is playing with the toys, you spend more time with your cat so it won`t feel obligated.

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