
I get depressed randomly ?

by  |  earlier

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and then at times im completely high and going crazy all over the joint, when i get in these depressed moods it happens out of nowhere anything can trigger it, music, a thought, object, etc and sometimes i genuinely want to die because i feel so low

could it be any mental illness or something?




  1. Hi, If you haven't done so already, speak to your doc, this is something that the sooner you get it treated the better.

    An amazing product that I came across a couple of months ago has made a HUGE difference to my life, so much so that I have completely reduced my depression to zero and no longer have the need for prescribed anti-depressants, it has also helped alleviate (Still there but not as bad) my other health problems.

    What is this amazing product?

    Quite simply it is water and add some sea salt.

    Drink at _least_ eight 8oz glasses of tap or filtered tap water per day, with a small amount of salt (Natural Sea Salt only).

    I find that the easiest way is to make up a 2Litre jug of water in the morning and put half a teaspoon of sea salt into it and stir well, then drink 2 glasses to start the day and the rest throughout the day.

    For this to have any benifit you need to cut out ALL caffeine drinks (Tea, Coffee, Sodas) and alcohol (as it is a diuretic).

    The only other thing you need to do is to walk at least 1 Mile per day.

    The above regimen will have you experiencing amazing results in the first few days and gradually your overall health will improve

  2. you might be bi-polar i would look it up online and see if you think you have the symptoms and then talk with your doctor.

  3. Umm , I think that you just have low self-esteem , thats all .

    How old are You?  

  4. see your doctor he can help this does not meen you have a mental health problem like bi polar it could be your blood sugars it can make your mood like this

    good luck but get it sorted

  5. It sounds like you are bi-polar with Social Anxiety.  It is very important that you see a doctor fast, and get proper diagnosis and treatment. Bi-polar people can do inappropriate things when they are "high".

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