
I get dizzy... help!

by  |  earlier

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when I'm sitting down for a while or just a minute i get up and I'm super dizzy. Some times I pass out and I open my eyes and I'm laying on the floor. I dont know what it is but its been happening alot lately. it started happening about a year ago.

oh yeah, im only 14.




  1. My cousin had that. turned out her blood presure was too low. Too low's a bad thing too, who knew?

  2. it sounds like you are getting up too fast and that causes your blood pressure to if you are experaincing any of these symptoms when you stand it is your blood pressure falling.when you stands feels like pressure in your head ears feel like they are opening and closing and you are getting very light headed and seeing a rainbow of colors when you stand.the next time you stand you need to do it slow.also if you are on any medications it could be causing your blood pressure to fall when you stand.

  3. Blood sugar mabe? Go see a doctor.

  4. I have it and I also have anemia,so it will be good if u get it checked just in case

    u know what they say "better be safe than sorry"

  5. see a doctor.
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