
I get headaches ALOT...?

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I get headaches a lot, and I have no idea why. They aren'tmigrainess or anything but I just get them like say once every two days, sometimes more sometimes less. Do you have any clue as to why this happens? Can I stop them at all (I don't like taking pills like aspirin or paracetamol). I'm 14.




  1. Well I agree with people above me about dehydration, it's been a cause for me as well at times

    I used to get them too and then I got my glasses, but by the looks of your avatar you allready have them, so maybe if you do wear them all the time you are straining your eyes or if you do wear them all the time they aren't strong enough

  2. Im afraid Im not sure why. I too suffered quite badly from a similar problem, when I had a headache it would literally last hours - ie. It may come on during my morning break and would still be there at the end of the school day. It could be hormones, they can cause headaches, especially at your age they could be very unbalanced. Thats what I put mine down to, Im 16 now and they have subsided a bit so hang in there.

    There are things you can buy to help. My friend used to lend me something very similar to what looked like a stick of lipsol, which you rub on your forehead. Another friend used these patch things, they stuck to her forehead with a gel. Luckily, she was someone who didnt care what our class thought and happily sat through the lesson with it on her head, so if your not that comfy then they are best for at home.

    Only other ways without taking pills would be to lie down in a quiet, dark room with your eyes closed and just relax - noise, bright light and stress will only help make your headache worse.

    Good luck, sorry I wasnt too useful with the names of the remedies above, you might want to research them, or Im sure your local chemist will be able to point you in the right direction :)

  3. see if you can get somone to take you to a Neurologist(Head Doctor)

    and he can see if you need to take anything =]

  4. Try drinking more water

  5. well i would say you have this deseise whre you have a hole in your skull and that your brain is coming through the skull also do you get earache? because the are a sign too!

  6. brain tumor?

  7. are you eating?

    not eating gives people headaches

  8. Close one of your nostrils and then suck in and out and switch to other one.If there is an airflow hindrance than you have sinus problems.Where are the headaches.A doctor will tell you what the problem is.Another common area is food allergy.Go see your GP it might get worse

  9. Some foods like cheese, orange juice especially artificial orange drink, grapefruit, tangerine, and chocolate would get you headaches if you eat too much.


  11. it could be many things.

    if you are stressed out or depressed it can cause headaches . also anxiety causes headaches.

    lack of sleep, not a good diet, and not eating can cause headaches.

    i also get headaches everyday of my life. about four times aday. it comes and goes. it is because i was anerexic. so make sure your eating a good diet and your getting good sleep.  

  12. I used to be the same way (well, I still am, but not as badly) and it turned out that I had terrible eyesight; I'd just never realised! Try getting your eyes tested (should be free as you're under 16) or, if not, drink more water (and less sugary drinks if you drink a lot of them)

  13. Could be many things, dehydration (drink more water), growing pains (nothing you can do), straining your eyes (get glasses), or many other things. Try by just drinking more water because that's what the most common thing is.

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