
I get off work at 6:00?

by Guest64861  |  earlier

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By the time I get off, go to they gym and get home it is 730 at least. Is that way to late to be eating dinner? I am really trying to loose weight. I have lost 100 pounds so far, it is just I am at a horrible stand still, and I am wondering if eating late is going to make it worse. Thanks




  1. it wont make is worst its all about the amount of calories u take in during the day, but dont eat and go to bed or just sit and watch tv. sumo wrestlers do that do gain weight fast, after u eat go take a 20min walk it will make sure all the food u ate does not stay on u. and congrats on the weight lose  

  2. Well, no, depending on when you go to bed.  The whole thing about not eating after a certain time is only applicable if you go to bed around 9 o'clock.  If you stay up later it's perfectly fine to eat then.  Honestly, too, eating at 730 is fairly normal too and I'm 99.9 % that it won't affect your weight loss :D

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