
I get so hungry during class... ?

by  |  earlier

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I have breakfast at around seven AM, and I have lunch again at 12:33 PM. but during class, like like at ten or so, my stomach starts to rumble. It's embarassing. Any way I can prevent this?




  1. Eat a good breakfast in the morning and then pack yourself a really quick/easy snack you can quickly eat in between classes. You can even ask to go to the bathroom and grab a little snack while you're out of the classroom. Whatever you do, don't chew gum because your stomach will get tricked into thinking that food will enter your stomach and that is one factor of why your stomach growls.  

  2. Make sure you're eating something with sustenance in the morning. I would suggest anything with peanut butter, or bananas, even bacon would hold you over. For breakfast I used to always have two pieces of peanut butter toast with a banana sliced on top.

    If that doesn't work, bring a little snack to shove in your mouth quickly between classes; or even sneak away to the bathroom to have a little snack. Good luck! Rumbly tummies are embarrassing at times, hahah.

  3. Try to eat low acidic foods in the morning as these acids mix with your stomach acids making the grumbling sound.

    Also you should be having a break in between so try n squeeze in a health bar or quick sandwich in between if your starving.

    Hope i helped

  4. eat oaetmeal it kleeps u full 4 a while or chew on gum it helps.....^^.....answer mine plz everyone;...

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