
I got bad habit????????????????

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Can anyone tell me how to stop bitting my nails i've been doing it since i was a kid, i mainly do it due to stress boredom, and for the h**l of it.. any advice???




  1. buy some bitter nail polish (its clear) or just make a new habit that isnt so bad.. its not about the nails.. its about the oral fixation of doing something with your mouth when you feel anxious. Try chewing some gum.

  2. well they do have this nail biting stuff that when you put it on like nailpolish (dont worry its clear) it tastes nasty. They say it works well... keep yourself busy with your hands.. chew gum instead?? Hope something helps! Good luck

  3. put some chilli or jalapenos juise in ur nails then when u bite u will remember

  4. i put fake nails on for a couple weeks till they start to grow and by then i stop bitting them

  5. Relaxation techniques: deep breathing, medication... Acrylic nails - impossible to bite, but than again you are a guy, so no. I'd address your underlying anxiety, which your nail biting is a symptom of.

  6. try getting a stress ball...or start chewing gum.

  7. you set your head to quit.think about  the germs under your nails.

  8. put something on your nails like band aids

  9. chew gum. put clear band aids on your finger tips. I quit by simply telling myself not to do it three times every night before going to bed

  10. i mean youve been doing it this long why stop now? i too bite my nails and have for 20+ years. im not stopping for anybody!  

  11. They have nail polish at the store that is specially made to help people quit biting their nails.  I forget what it's called, but they sell it at walmart.  You just apply it and it leaves a really bad taste in your mouth if you bite your nails.  It works!

    You could also try getting nails.

  12. Yea, I do it too. It's not a big deal.  

  13. me too, i chew gum all the time and i keep a leather bracelet on my wrist to chew on when i cant have gum.

  14. i know your a guy but the make CLEAR nail polish that tastes horrible so you can bite your nails, works really well. Look it up.

  15. that's sick, every time you bite your nails you chew on dust mites and dead skin yea that's right, all your nails are is dead skin cells mashed together.... if that summary didn't work then you seriously have a problem, try these tips, try cutting your nail the they way to the pink area and a little beyond, that way you wont have anything to chew on and if you tried you would bite your finger also. if that dosent work then pain your nails clear colered, that way no one will see that you have nail polish on and if you bite it it'll taste super bad........if that doesent work i dont know what other to say then rip your nails off.............they grow back...............i would know....

  16. I've heard that there's a nasty tasting nail polish you can use which is supposed to be really bitter and make you stop. You should try something like that.  

  17. My Auntie's daughter who is 25 and still sucks her thumb, has tried everything. She used to put hot sauce on her fingers and even chicken p**p. LOL But she still sucks her thumb. Look try to cut them so short that you won't have anything to take of. Add some hot sauce. Also try washing your finger tips with nail polish removal.

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