
I got the silent treatment.?

by Guest63138  |  earlier

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earlier tonight i was talking to my gf( we live together) before bed, we were talking and everything was fine then five minutes later she wont say anything to me, i knew she was awake because she got up to turn her alarm on. we weren't talking about anything important and we hadn't fought about anything recently. she just suddenly completely ignored me and i was wondering if anybody had any idea why?




  1. You probably said something that hurt her feelings.  Talk to her about it.

  2. its because she found out that you are cheating on her with a mexican biggalo named chavo and that you contracted gonorrhea and syphilis from him just a few hours before you laid her down to sleep.

    or you could just be a bigot

    or a g*y

    just kidding man girls are crazy take it from me... im so crazy right now i could eat a whole horse

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