
I had a dream last night?

by  |  earlier

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normally i don't have dreams that i can remember

but this one i did

okay well, it wasn't really like a whole story

it was a bunch of little ones

okay me and my best friend were at a waterpark and i went down a water slide and i could hear her and someone else talking and the other girl said," i thought you were going to tell her now" and my bff said, " idk i want to wait"

then me and my family are going on vacation and then the whole case where the 3 year old went missing popped into my head and i like woke up scared b/c when we go on vacation my mom and i always watch my nieces when my sister and her husband go out for a night. but any way ....

then i had a dream we go a new car and we like all went on vacation in it.

then i had a dream that we got a new house and went shopping..

it was really confusing, but there was more stuff, that i'm not mentioning.

I don't know why but this dream stuck out, why? what does it mean?




  1. omg!! i had a dream last night too!!!

  2. It could mean a lot of things.  The fact that it doesn't seem to be all one dream, but a series of individual ones seems to me that they are simply a whole bunch of thoughts that you think about from time to time or quite a bit.  When you dream, it is your body reflecting the daily thoughts and desires.  It isn't something to worry about.  It could just be that you slept better than you usually do and therefore remembered the dream.

  3. money's coming your way..

  4. it means you are insecure about some relationship (fist one), you are worrying that someone in the relationship is going to get hurt (little cousin), and the new car and house is just your brain being comfused.

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