
I hate Taekwando?

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Now, my parent's put me into Taekwando, and I have to stay in it until I get a black belt. Today I had my 3rd lesson, and I really do not like it. I am just making so many mistakes, that it's not even funny. When everyone else is doing kicks, the instructor always has to hold up the class and show me how to do it. Also, my teacher keeps telling me to yell louder when I kick, I'm yelling as loud as I can!!!! If I yell louder my throat will hurt :( All of the other belts are really good, and they do lots of complicated stuff. I really just want to do it for one year (that's what my parents paid for, 1 year) and then quit. I am going into Grade 9, so if I keep doing Taekwando, it could very interfere with my school work.

But what do you think, will I ever get better? Because there are other white belts better than me, and I am the worst person in the entire class. I have to do this for 1 year (no refunds) and I already did 3 days and I hate it!!!!!




  1. 3 lessons is not enough to be good at it. No one is expecting you to know what to do or to do it well; relax a little bit. Everyone was a beginner at some point and they remember what it was like to not understand what's going on. Yes, everyone else is doing complicated stuff, but that's because they have the basics down. The other white belts may be better than you, but they've also been there longer than you. Stick it out for at least another 2 weeks and then re-evaluate it. Once the first few things "click" you will be fine since everything builds off of the basics. I can pretty much guarantee that in another 2 weeks you will be doing much better, you will understand what you're doing, you won't be making nearly as many mistakes, and in all likelihood you will be enjoying yourself. IF you aren't enjoying it once you begin to progress, try having a serious talk with your parents about it.

  2. DONT QUIT! It happens to everyone I I'm also going into grade nine i started in 6th grade im not a red belt (i had to take some breaks) white belt is the hardest part you are nervous and don't know any of the moves just be confident and try hard and listen to the corrections and you'll become better. Yellow belt will be a lot easier.

  3. I can imagine how hard it must be that you must stick with something even if you don't like it. I think that it isn't a good idea to say to someone 'you must stick with this until you get your black belt' before you know how the person will react to it.

    With that said, I can feel for the frustration you're going through as a beginner. I felt the same way when I was a white belt. I felt stupid because everyone else was doing all these cool things, or doing something so much better than I was able to. Everything is just so new and it can get very frustrating. But really, three lessons is not enough to judge the whole martial art. I remember when I started in a new school, and after a couple classes I hated it. Did not want to go back. But my mom told me to just stick it out for a few weeks / months and I grew to enjoy it so very much.

    Anyway, just remember that everyone makes mistakes. Since you're a white belt, you are not expected to be able to do everything right on your first try. As a blue belt, I still have things that the instructor will have to really explain or show to me before I really get it from time to time. Even I get frustrated with things that I'm not doing well with. Remember to practice what you've learned and you will see improvement.

    Good luck with your training and I hope things get worked out.

  4. just believe in yourself ands you will get better. Or get get hyped!

  5. Honestly, tell the instructor how you presently feel and ask for a little one on one work with someone that can help bring you up to speed a little for a couple of weeks.  If this isn't possible just keep trying your best, it will get easier.  In fact you may come to enjoy it.  At the end of that first year you may find you wish to continue.  If not I reccomend maybe striking a deal with your parents to look at other systems that you may enjoy more.  Aikido, Jujutsu, Wing Chun, Taijiquan . . .  so many to choose from.

  6. You've only taken 3 days worth of lessons, you're nervous and you don't have any confidence in yourself. That's normal. Stick it out and I'm sure that you'll not only get better, but your confidence in yourself will grow as well. That can carry over to a lot of different areas of your life.

  7. How many days a week are you practicing?  Since its still summer time, use the remaining vacation time you have to practice as much as possible.  Do not give it up; east asian martial arts help develop both hemispheres of the brain, and the discipline habits you learn there will help you with your school work.  Also if you're a girl, if you ever "bloom" as they say, there's a lot of turds out there, just so you know, so you may need to use it.

    You will have to practice on your own when class is not in session, show up earlier than everyone else, and leave after everyone else if you are having problems.  Yes, with practice you will get better but you will need to do extra work.  Once you get it right though, it will get easier and easier.  There have been people in east asia who went on to become great masters who were in a similar position.

    Tell you what; I forgot her name, but there is a woman who holds, I think, a 7th or 8th degree black belt in Tae Kwan Do.  You should really write to her and tell her of your plight.  I'm a dude, so I don't understand you.  You will need the guidance and advice of someone who is both female, and a highly ranked practitioner, ask your instructor to give you the name of the highest ranked female practitioner in the world, and if he is worth his belt he should be able to name her.  He or she, whatever the gender.

  8. I used to take TaeKwonDo for about a year but had to quit when we moved. I personally enjoyed the workout. Its just about practice. If your sitting at home in front of the tv maybe do some stretches or stand up and start doing some kicks during the commercial breaks. I know I used to go out in the backyard when I was bored and practice my form and everything. It really helped alot. Just don't get down on yourself and you will get better. And regarding school I dont think it would get in the way all that much. If anything it could help with your school work. TaeKwonDo does more that teach you how to kick and punch. It helps build your mind too and you will probably end up doing better in school.

  9. Don't let things get to you. you will improve. Many of the best students I have ever had were really slow at first and clumsy. My senior student was one of the worst when he started training. After a while he was better than most of the students. He also seemed to understand new concepts better and quicker.

    Take your time and just fix one thing at a time. I would not be surprised if in a few months you are wanting to train as much as you can.  Good Luck!

  10. Just remember; even if you do get better at it? It's still TKD.
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