
I hate man..?

by Guest62833  |  earlier

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and I'm a male teen. I admire females more then males. I think man aare the scum of the earth ,that don't deserve to live, while I think girls are magical, ideal, celestial, intelligent, goddess. I hate man for some reason. I misantropic ,but for some reason I think girls are better than boys. For so reason I think man are despicable, deplorable beast, while I veiw girls as ethereal, mesmerizing beings.

Sometimes I think man should die. As a misanthrope, I hate all human equally, but I tend to favor girls, more then guys. And I tend to want to be friends with girls more than guys. Why do I hate the male gender and why do I have a low opinion of guys?




  1. Sorry to hear this lad.  You are a human being.

    Maybe you don't have a father or your father was dragged away by the divorce courts.  I don't mean to make fun of you so please forgive me.

    My son has been abandoned as my ex moved thousands of miles away.  Long story...

    You have been "programmed" and "globalized."

    Hmm,  the CIA has been trying but it was the creation of the CGIA* that has finally burst the bubble.

  2. If you think men should die, maybe you should lead by example.

  3. You need an English tutor,and a psychiatrist RIGHT AWAY !!!

  4. i like girls more than guys, the laugh easier, theyre cute, but i dont hate guys two!

  5. But for some reason... What reason is that?

    I think you just want to kiss my boots ;)

  6. You might want to ask your psychiatrist during your next appointment.  Put it on your "To Do" list so you don't forget.

  7. That's simple.  You have great morals and truly respect women on a mental and emotional level.  Don't hate all men though, there are many men out there that share the same opinion of men as you do.  You sound like a very respectful person. =-)

  8. Because they are the ones that ruined the planet. Think about it just about every war was started and fought by men. They killed all the animals and invented weapons of mass destruction. All in all they are barbaric and aggressive and that makes them like to hurt and injure anything that's weaker than them. And when they aren't thinking about money and violence they're thinking about s*x. No offense but that is how I feel.

    If there are any good men I haven't met them yet. Still looking.

  9. you are one of a kind and its okay if a guy like u thinks that all guys are stupid and as-s's. and its true most girls are better than boys ;]. i'm a girl and i feel like most girls are idiots and i feel that i'm more closer and open to guys. probably u have more girl friends than guy friends and u feel open to the girls more.

  10. "You sound like a very respectful person."

    hahaha he sounds like a creep

  11. Probably because we all hated you in the first place, outcasts seek acceptance elsewhere.

  12. I don't really believe you hate all men, because you would be saying you hate yourself. I think you mean you hate all "uncaring men, insensitive to a women's needs man," because they are many male feminists out in today's society that feel the same way about uncaring men, like I do.

    Men who beat, rape and torture women by using their power and control, men who use sexual insults, and use sexual discrimination to their advantage, men who leave their family because they don't want to pay child support for their children.

    Men who believe it is okay that the wage laws are okay and that woman should be paid less than they earn. Yes, these men are most likely to be insensitive to a women's needs.

    You don't want to be part of the "Old Boy" school that watches football, and basketball games and leers at the cheerleaders while getting drunk during the games, or frequent "Hooter's" for their obvious large breasted "T" shirts. Or does not help out his spouse to raise the children or help with the housework when they both have full-time jobs. I believe I understand where you are coming from.

    Not to sound condescending, but that's why I volunteer and work for women's rights and women's causes like: NARAL Pro-Choice and Planned Parenthood and I was there lobbying the Boston State House so we could push through the 35 ft. Buffer Zone Bill that would allow pregnant women to enter a Planned Parenthood clinic safely without harassment.

    I also joined NOW, and participate in their meetings, work as a Crew Member for both the Avon and Susan Komen Walks for Breast Cancer, and Assistant Organizer for the Code Pink Feminist Book Club where I learn to read books about the women's movement and feminism. Which has motivated me to go back to Grad School at Simmons' College and earn a Master's Degree in Gender (Women's) and cultural Studies.

    But you can't hate all men, what about the many male women's fashion designers on "Bravo's Project Runway" even though it was produced by Heidi Klum, the show still needs sensitive men who have a flair for fashion and they create amazing women's fashions. Or "q***r Eye for the Straight Guy" which women seem to love that show. Or male Gynecologist who help women in their health. Or the many male cancer doctors who find and search for women's breast cancer and offer treatment to remove the tumors. I think know what your coming from because as you stated, women are "magical...celestial, intelligent, goddess..." ;and might I add, gorgeous, beautiful, sensational, s**y and amazing. Kudos for loving women and girls so much. There should be more teenagers like you who feel women and girls should be treated with respect, kindness and so much more.

  13. You are not a misanthrope, you don't hate women. You hold misandric beliefs.

    By calling yourself a misanthrope, you are tarnishing the image of all the real misanthropes. Stop it, stop it now!

  14. I think it is common for the opposite s*x to get a long better. It is just natural for the same gender to clash and the opposite gender to understand each other better!

  15. Were you raised by a woman who indoctrinated you with hatred of males?  

    Were you abused by men as a child?  

    Perhaps you have simply had a preponderance of positive female influences and negative male influences.  

    Perhaps it is one of these reasons, or perhaps some other reason, or perhaps no reason at all.  Whatever the reason for your feelings, you need to resolve them.  There are wonderful men in the world, just as there are wonderful women, and there are scumbag women, just as there are scumbag men.  By being prejudiced against your fellow males, you are denying yourselves of valuable friendships and associations that could benefit you.  I think it is important for every person to have some good friends of the same s*x, because it gives them people to talk about when they need to talk about issues that specifically relate to their own s*x...also, it gives you people to do activities with that the opposite s*x might not enjoy.

  16. you are a feminist, don't worry, you will make friends here

  17. Well not all men are bad, meaning don't judge people on the outside, judge them on the indside. And i'm not trying to be mean or nothing but it seem like you're made. Meaning someone in your life said or did something to you making you like this.Also now and days some men are killing, raping girls, and someone did or said something to a female that you liked or care for

  18. i agree with tara r. but only you can answer that question. sit down and think about the question

  19. To me it sounds like you may have had some very negative experiences in your life Jeff T.

    Although it is wise for people who have been hurt to be careful of becoming too quickly involved with others, it makes no real sense to hate everyone.

    There are some loving and caring people of both sexes, and you will have a happier and less isolated life if you can find some of them.

    I've put a couple of links below to places where you can talk with other teens online about the sort of issues you are feeling, and maybe make some good online friends.

    Take tings slowly and think about trying to get involved with a group in the community ~ maybe one which works with teens, where you can meet people who care about others and are not scum.

    Not every woman is an ethereal being ~ in fact, most are a little more down to earth in some ways than boys, maybe you don't know too many girls in real life? If you have sisters you might think a little differently about this :-)

    Take care and try to be kind to yourself and not have harsh views, the world is a big place and there is a lot of good in it, sometimes you just have to search awhile among the rubbish :-)

    Best wishes :-)

  20. It's pretty ignorant and sexist of you to hate all men. It's fine to hate individuals, but don't hate them just because of their gender. Come on.
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