
I hate my brothers!?

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well, here's the deal.

I HATE MY BROTHERS, they get on my nerves, they do things just to p me off, my mum keeps saying 'be nice to them, they're your brothers!' but i just cnt!

they make me so angry!

so i'd like some tips on relieving anger or how to change the situation..thankyou. =]




  1. As hard as it may be u should try and act like whatever theyre doing isnt bothering u and that will annoy them nore than they annoy u, ive got a wee bro too and it doesnt always work and u flip but u gota try lol

  2. haha im right their with you i got four brothers and im the only girl and sometimes i just wanna beat the h**l out of them

    but then i remeber girls mature faster than guys so i ignore it

    and if they keep on i just blackmail them lol

  3. dear katiej,

    i have the same problem with my brothers ,but what we can do we can not just through them away ,they will come back,belive me,so all you have to do is to make more friends to forget your brothers hate and to be too buzy to hate them.

  4. I don't like my brother much either.  Mainly we dont interact much so we dont get on eachothers nerves.  And i'm the bigger brother by 5years so if he pisses me off i just give him a dead leg hahaha =]. but i wouldnt reccomend that.

  5. May sound a bit funny, but get one of those squeezing things to relieve anger.

    Now about you're brothers... Ok, I have the same problem with my brother who is the exact age as me. Ever since his mother adopted me, I had nothing but problems. He would act immature and wreck my stuff daily and often get me in trouble. My father took me to get anger management just to clam down. The only thing I would suggest is to not follow their game. This helps sometimes.


  6. Well i have one brother who is smaller than me mom loves him and he always is trying to make me angry .The only way to escape from brothers is just to don't talk with them or don't buy anything from them when they realise that you could not buy one of their stupid toys they come to you and say"i'm sorry" then you put a condintion to don't make you angry
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