
I have 2 problems?1?1?

by  |  earlier

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Ok My dog just had puppies she had 8 over all and 2 died so now there is 6... Well the mom won't feed them no more. I need a recipe for puppy milk or something.. And one of the puppies this mornin had this horrible cut on his back!! It is missing kinda and inch of its fur and I was wondering how can I heal him ....cause as you know lots of ppl don't have lots of money and I can't afford the can I do it at home??? Well thanks!! and it is only ten points but you guys each deserve it cause its a 2 part..! thannks




  1. Well the best thing to do is go to albertsons or something and get replaicement puppy milk (what the heck a receipt)??? i never needed a receipt to get puppymilk just money. For the puppy with the cut if it is deep then search online if it is not that seriouse all you need is some hydrogyn peroxide and patroleum jelly first clean with the peroxide and put some patrollium jelly and something to keep it shut like medical tape hope this works.

  2. i would search for a store in your area that sells stuff for horses, rabbits, chickens, etc... an AG store. get some wound gel for horses to use for the cut. it's inexpensive, and it works wonders. you wont be able to find it in a general pets-mart store. as far as milk goes, there are canned or dry powder milk substitutes for puppies that's not that expensive. you just have to look for it. and also unlike other people say, don't keep using hydrogen peroxide... it kills goodbacteria that heals as well as bad bacteria. you only EVER use hydrogen peroxide for the first initial cleaning just to get it clean.

  3. ok first i have to state what has already been stated. You dont let your dog get preggers when you cant afford to care for them. you dont let or breed an animal unless you have the money to hand raise every pup born incase the  mom cant. and you dont breed unless you are fully prepared to raise and give vet care to all of them all their lives incase you cant find good homes. that said

    you can try goats milk if you can afford it or a low iron baby formula.

    what you should do however is take the mom and pups to the local humane shelter.  

    sorry but if you cant afford them you dont need them right now.  each of the pups should they live will need shots and vet care. can you pay for that?  

    i know you love your pet. i understand that but if you cant pay for them its best to let someone who can do it take care of her.

    best of luck

  4. ...You fail at life.

    You let your dog have puppies yet you don't have money for the vet or knowledge to look after abandoned puppies?


    You fail.

    But you can buy powdered puppy milk in pet shops for cheap-...Oh wait, you have no money.

    In that case, take one rose petal leaf, mix it with a quater of goat's milk, spit in it, let the dog smell it, and then wash the puppies in it.

    Problem solved.


    You HAVE failed.

    End of.

    You can't take puppies to the freaking vet when you let the mother breed?


  5. not sure about the milk maybe you can use baby formula??

    try hydrogen peroxide I've never tried it but it normally heals everything on a human so why not a dog? if it bubbles when and if you try it than that means it was infected and the peroxide is healing it. if the peroxide works then keep on using it until the cut heals the dog will yelp and move but hold it down so it wont die or get infected or sick from the cut

  6. My vet told me that goat's milk will work for puppies, you can get it at the store for cheap.

    And for the cut, you can use Neosporin.

  7. Law L said it all. A bit harsh, but hey - they have the right point!

  8. okay, feeding has nothing to do with milk. the mom is probably feeding them, at night. try adding some dry food. how old are they?
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